Agnes Gund, President Emerita, MoMA; Chairman of the Board, MoMA PS1
Klaus Biesenbach, Director, MoMA PS1; Chief Curator-at-Large, MoMA
How long have you two known each other?
Biesenbach: Since 1996, when I first started guest-curating at PS1.
Gund: He’s done such a great job with PS1.
Do you have a favorite spot that you like to go to together?
Biesenbach: We have a monthly lunch at The Four Seasons. I always end with the vanilla ice cream. But we go to exhibits together.
Gund: It’s really nice because I learn a lot from Klaus about artists —
Biesenbach: No, I learn a lot from you!
Gund: Obviously Klaus knows more than I do about artists —
Biesenbach: No, she knows more.
Gund: Oh, stop it.
Biesenbach: Five years ago, I was at Aggie’s house, and I told her, “I want you to go to Tauba Auerbach’s studio.” I look up, and there is one of Tauba’s early, early paintings on the wall, and I thought, Well, I’m a little too late!
Lightning Round
Neighborhood: Gund: Upper East Side. Biesenbach: Hell’s Kitchen.
Favorite TV show: Gund: “I just watched Billions, which I liked; I found it fascinating. And I watch a lot of the Cleveland Cavaliers. I love that team.” Biesenbach: Game of Thrones.
Favorite building: Gund: “Probably the Seagram building.” Biesenbach: “I think we agree on that.”
*This article appears in the April 18, 2016 issue of New York Magazine.