[Switches off lights and holds flashlight up to face]
A woman was changing in her gym locker room, as she should be able to routinely do with a guarantee of privacy, but little did she know that someone sinister was watching from afar. Model and Playboy Playmate of the Year 2015 Dani Mathers spotted her from the gym’s sauna, and then, throwing all social courtesy and human decency out the window, Snapchatted a photo of the naked woman with the caption “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either” to all her followers. For extra effect, she added a selfie in which she looked shocked and disgusted by the sight of a non-model body.

Mathers was criticized on all forms of social media after that went out (she has appeared to have since deleted her Twitter and Instagram accounts), and issued the following non-apology apology for her actions — which are illegal in the state of California — via Snapchat video in response:
I just wanted to acknowledge a photo that I accidentally posted here on Snapchat earlier today and let you guys know that that was absolutely wrong, and not what I meant to do. I have chosen to do what I do for a living because I love the female body and I know that body shaming is wrong and that’s not what I’m about, that’s not the type of person that I am. That photo was taken to be a personal conversation with a girlfriend, and because I am new to Snapchat, I really didn’t realize that I had posted it and that was a huge mistake.
A true horror story for the ages.