Republicans are taking a cue from Utah in drafting their official party platform. An amendment to the platform, which will come up for a vote Monday or Tuesday, cracks down on the porn industry.
“Pornography, with [its] harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the life of millions,” the amendment reads. “We encourage states to continue to fight this public menace and pledge our commitment to children’s safety and wellbeing.”
It was proposed by Mary Forrester, a delegate from North Carolina who told Yahoo! News that she worked on it with Concerned Women for America, a conservative Christian group. It’s designed, she said, to protect children from becoming porn addicts. “It’s such an insidious epidemic and there are no rules for our children,” she said. “It seems to be for young people, they do not have the discernment and so they become addicted before they have the maturity to understand the consequences.”