Draw them in with a dramatic palette. Here, 8 suggestions for wedding invitations with painterly designs and striking colors.
Moglea for Minted (top photo)
“Adagio,” from $234 for a suite of 100, at minted.com.

Paperless Post
“Elizabeth Moonlight,” from $254 for a suite of 100, at paperlesspost.com.

Swiss Cottage Designs
“Ombré Watercolor,” from $1,000 for a suite of 100, at swisscottagedesigns.com.

Shiny Penny Studio for Minted
“Rolling Hills,” from $234 for a suite of 100, at minted.com.

Suite Paperie
“Floral Noir,” from $600 for a suite of 100, at suitepaperie.com.

Katie Fischer Design
“Eat, Drink & Be Merry,” from $1,250 for a suite of 100, at katiefischerdesign.com.

Shindig Bespoke
“Van Alen,” from $1,600 for a suite of 100, at shindigbespoke.com.

Suite Paperie
“Moody Teal Watercolor,” from $825 for a suite of 100, at suitepaperie.com.
*This article appears in the Winter 2017 issue of New York Weddings.