Maggie Winter, CEO of online womenswear line AYR, opens her first store (199 Lafayette St.).
“Now that we have a real store, the biggest response has been to our textures: People talk about our midnight-blue velvet smoking jackets ($425) and say our camel-hair robes ($585) feel like cashmere. Bonobos was formerly our parent company, and like their store, we’ll ship your purchase directly to your house, so you don’t have to carry a bag, but here you can also take it with you right away. Our creative director comes by to fit you in our powdery-blue vintage-inspired 15-ounce jeans ($275) that are exclusive to the store. I literally don’t buy jeans without her say-so, and now everyone else can too.”

Two new shops — modern-design-focused Lucky Rubber Ducky and fair-trade Libra — join East Park Slope’s homewares sector.
1. Lucky Rubber Ducky: Daqi Concept JinGoo Bluetooth speakers in a birdcage (from $300) and glass pasta pots ($200). 196 Seventh Ave.
2. Tarzian West: Shun Pro blue-steel Menkiri knives ($250) and Stagg pour-over coffeepots that monitor water temperature ($99). 194 Seventh Ave.
3. Libra: Matr Boomie bone-wood picture frames ($38) and Roland Pine soy candles made in the Hudson Valley ($34). 1304 Eighth Ave.
4. Homebody: Glass baby head cups ($45) and jacquard woven cushions that feature a deer in a top hat ($85). 449 Seventh Ave.
2x2: Chip-and-Dip Bowls
For your Oscars and Packers hate-viewing parties.

Over $50
Floating: Nambe scoop server, $250 at neimanmarcus.com.
Nested: Neon-orange bowl, $60 at etsy.com.

Under $50
Floating: Prodyne Arch de Dip bowl, $20 at bedbathandbeyond.com.
Nested: Four-piece party server, $26 at museumstore.sfmoma.org.
Three in One
Italian designer Monica Castiglioni’s Cobble Hill outpost (268 Court St.) has felt necklaces, bronze sculptures, and paper exhibits.

1. Gather: A gate lowers to separate bronze rings (from $120) from the front of the store, where Castiglioni will host exhibits by like-minded paper and ceramic artisans.

2. Wear: Long chain necklaces are available in bronze ($900), felt from Kyrgyzstan ($150), and Pyrex ($700), or are 3-D-printed ($110); silk scarves are accented with felt circles ($220).

3. Decorate: Felt trivets double as ring holders ($110), bronze candle snuffers ($570), bronze egg holders ($225), and bronze sculptures that are inspired by the male parts of flowers ($16,000).
Moving In
In February, London-based designer Simone Rocha will open her first Stateside boutique (71 Wooster St.).

“I’m creating a space that shows my collections surrounded by my influences and inspirations. We have a piece by Rauschenberg that’s all found objects from Asia encased in a type of plastic called Perspex. I’m half-Chinese, so I connect to the Asian aspect, and we also do a lot of Perspex heels and earrings ($280). The store is all about the art and furniture echoing the fabrications from the collection but in sturdier forms. Thick clear-plastic racks and cabinets carry our anglaise skirts that are also made out of embroidered plastic fabric ($2,345). We’ll be opening with the spring-summer ’17 collection that was originally shown in a London cathedral, so I made the windows look like a cathedral too.”
Top Five
Brandon Quattrone, co-founder of the Tribeca furniture and décor shop Consort (155 Duane St.), pairs Jackson Pollock mugs with modern Italian chairs.

“We based this pink chair ($3,000) on one by Italian designer Marco Zanuso. Italian modernism is going to be the new mid-century modern.”

“A set of these crazy Jackson Pollock–looking mugs ($46) would look so cool hanging on the wall under your kitchen cabinets.”

“At first this bowl (from $58) just looks like it has texture and lines, but once you look closer, you realize it’s an eye repeating in a diagonal pattern.”

“This was the first one-hitter ($35) we found that wasn’t metal; it’s ceramic. People ask what to smoke out of it, and we go, ‘Whatever you want.’ ”

“You see this Moroccan pompom blanket ($720) in black and white all the time, but I bet you haven’t seen it in blue. We love that.”
*This article appears in the January 23, 2017, issue of New York Magazine.