This season, painterly floral motifs are everywhere — including wedding invitations. Here, nine eye-catching botanical-accented invites to consider.
Shindig Bespoke (top image)
“Lucille,” from $1,500 for a suite of 100 at shindigbespoke.com.

Katie Fischer Design
“Margo & Per,” from $3,500 for a suite of 100 at katiefischerdesign.com.

Suite Paperie
“Romantic Watercolor Floral,” from $750 for a suite of 100 at suitepaperie.com.

Courtney Jentzen for Bella Figura
“Chilmark,” from $1,405 for a suite of 100 at bellafigura.com.

Katie Fischer Design
“Spring Floral Watercolor,” from $1,250 for a suite of 100 at katiefischerdesign.com.

Katie Fischer Design
“Nancy & Neil,” from $3,500 for a suite of 100 at katiefischerdesign.com.

Sesame Letterpress
“Magnolia,” from $675 for a suite of 100 at sesameletterpress.com.

“Wildflower Floralia,” from $1,480 for a suite of 100 at venamour.com.

“Summer Botanical,” from $1,600 for a suite of 100 at paperfinger.com.
*This article appears in the summer 2017 issue of New York Weddings.