Sandra Long, Antiques Dealer
Nice jacket! And hat. And bag. And necklace. And shoes …
I get almost everything at antique-clothing fairs, usually the Manhattan Vintage Clothing Show at the Metropolitan Pavilion.
What’s your trick for finding stuff?
Please! There’s no tricks. You either have style or you don’t have style. These boots I’m wearing, actually, are not vintage. They’re Manolo Blahniks. They’re like walking on magic. One of my first jobs was as a shopgirl at Jerry Miller’s shoe store at Henri Bendel, and once every three months, they let the shopgirls pick out any shoe we wanted. I had two closets full of shoes.
When did you get to New York?
In 1969. I’ve been around for so long that, the other night, I was at Amanda Lepore’s book party and I realized I knew everyone there. And I thought, People say New York is big, and this and that, but there are really only 300 people in New York, as far as I’m concerned.
Lightning Round
Neighborhood: “I live right under the Empire State Building.”
Favorite restaurant: Indochine.
Favorite street: “Park Avenue! I love Park Avenue.”
Currently watching: “The Hugh Hefner documentary series on Amazon.”
Facebook or Instagram? “Neither. I don’t get involved in any of that. I just got my first cell phone and computer two years ago.”
*This article appears in the May 1, 2017, issue of New York Magazine.