30 Rock - TV Episode Recaps & News

30 Rock

  1. Episode 23 I Do I Do
    30 Rock Recap: Yes Shma’am Three weddings, a pilot, and a baby! And a half-Cher–half-Jenna hybrid man, obviously.
  2. Episode 22 I Do Do
    30 Rock: Onan Best episode ever?
  3. Episode 20 The Moms
    30 Rock: I Walked on Your Face The best Mother’s Day episode of any show, ever.
  4. Episode 19 Argus
    30 Rock: Feyoncé Outrageous and funny, without relying on any cheap insults to trannies!
  5. Episodes 17 - 18 ’Lee Marvin vs. Derek Jeter’ & ‘Khonani’
    30 Rock Recap: Conan-Leno Jokes Are Past Their Expiration Date One of the double-shot of episodes re-creates the late-night battle as a janitorial power play. Great idea, three months ago.
  6. Episode 16 Floyd
    30 Rock: Audi 5000 Almost anything would have been less of a gratuitous bummer than Liz’s encounter with Floyd.
  7. Episode 15 Don Geiss, America and Hope
    30 Rock: Gangway for Foot Cycle! Predictably hilarious!
  8. Episode 14 Future Husband
    30 Rock: Bobsled Liz finds her “Future Husband.” Whatever!
  9. Episode 13 Anna Howard Shaw Day
    30 Rock: I, the Alone … Rote as a Valentine’s Day dinner out — but for one scary-brilliant clip.
  10. Episode 12 Verna
    30 Rock: Cornholes! Jan Hook rocks feather earrings and a tattoo of a mermaid “doing it with Captain Morgan”!
  11. Episode 11 Winter Madness
  12. Episode 10 Black Light Attack!
    30 Rock Recap: Scrumpnugget Tina Fey, the first true female Woody Allen, bends some gender assumptions.
  13. Episode 9 Klaus and Greta
    30 Rock Recap: Lemoned! James Franco hitches his art-cart to our favorite sitcom!
  14. Episode 8 Secret Santa
  15. Episode 7 Dealbreakers Talk Show No. 0001
    30 Rock: Teenage Grandpa? This week: black jokes for white people!
  16. Episode 6 Sun Tea
    30 Rock: And Yet You Won’t Tell Me ‘Sun Tea,’ by I.P. Freely.
  17. Episode 5 The Problem Solvers
    30 Rock: Sexy Time! Pure fan fiction, minus the part where Jack tells Liz to take off everything but her glasses.
  18. Episode 4 Audition Day
    30 Rock Auditions for Middle-of-the-road Sitcom Which would be fine with us, except that what this seems to mean is fewer and less absurd jokes.
  19. Episode 3 Stone Mountain
    No Dunham Bump for 30 Rock Ratings Guest star (and Comedy Central ratings magnet) Jeff Dunham couldn’t pull more viewers, sadly.
  20. Episode 2
    30 Rock Takes a Gentle Poke at Ben Silverman’s Post-NBC Plans “I’ll have you know that Barry Diller and I are working on a whole new approach to media!”
  21. Episode 1 Season 4
    Last Night’s 30 Rock Made Even More Meta by Low Ratings Ratings for last night’s season premiere were down 27 percent from last year’s.
  1. Episode 21 Everything Sunny All the Time Always
    30 Rock Recap: Korea Opportunities When a hot blonde goes to a weird place, things go pear shaped.
  2. Episode 20 100
    30 Rock Recap: Gaseous Play Happy 100th episode. Let’s get weird.
  3. Episode 19 I Heart Connecticut
    30 Rock Recap: Over-the-Top It begins with the words!
  4. Episode 18 Plan B
    30 Rock Recap: Powerwagging Aaron Sorkin and Will Arnett stop by.
  5. Episode 17 Queen of Jordan
    30 Rock Recap: Reality Check ’Queen of Jordan’ takes over ‘30 Rock’ and introduces us all to Blurry Face Syndrome.
  6. Episode 16 TGS Hates Women
    30 Rock Recap: Talkin’ ’Bout a Femolution “Female jealousy is an evolutionary fact, Lemon. If you try and breed it out of them, you wind up with a lesbian with hip dysplasia.”
  7. Episode 15 It’s Never Too Late for Now
    30 Rock Recap: The Spinsterhood of the Drawstring Pants Until now, the only thing keeping Liz Lemon from being a full-on cat lady has been the fact that she didn’t actually own a cat.
  8. Episode 14 Double-Edged Sword
    30 Rock Recap: Take Off Just as Canadians have become indispensable to modern comedy, so have jokes about Canadians. And ‘30 Rock’ is a master of the art form.
  9. Episode 13
    30 Rock Recap: The Cabinet of Dr. Rufus T. Barleysheath “Some dude jacked me and now his sperm is growing in my stomach.”
  10. Episode 12 St. Patrick’s Day
    30 Rock Recap: Hulk Hands and Irish Nonsense In which Tracy tells his iPhone, “Siri, kill Jenna.”
  11. Episode 12 Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning
    30 Rock Recap: Help the People the Thing That Happened Happened To This was chaotic even by ‘30 Rock’ standards.
  12. Episode 11 Mrs. Donaghy
    30 Rock Recap: Scenes From a Marriage “My alarm clock died in a cockfight last night.”
  13. Episode 10 Christmas Attack Zone
    30 Rock Recap: The Mentaliz “Obesity is killing the African-American community … with laughter!”
  14. Episode 9 Chain Reaction of Mental Anguish
    30 Rock Recap: In Treatment “If you’re not covered in bite marks after intercourse, then something’s wrong.”
  15. Episode 8 College
    30 Rock Recap: Community It’s no big surprise that the perennially awkward Liz Lemon had a rough time in college, what with the Richard Marx hair and the pilonidal cyst. (Do not look that up.)
  16. Episode 7 Brooklyn Without Limits
    30 Rock Recap: Wunderhinder Both Carl Paladino and Dov Charney would find a lot to cringe about in this episode.
  17. Episode 6 Gentleman’s Intermission
    30 Rock Recap: Looking for D.I.H.C. There may not be a richer, more rewarding relationship on television right now than that between Jack Donaghy and Liz Lemon.
  18. Episode 5 Reaganing
    30 Rock Recap: What’s New, Pussycat? “Those ice-cream saps will rue the day they ever tangled with the Best Friends Gang.”
  19. Episode 4
    30 Rock Recap: Live! From New York! It’s TGS! It was just a network sitcom. Only funny.
  20. Episode 3
    30 Rock Recap: Fart Barfunkel “As diverse as a Wilco concert.”
  21. Episode 2 When It Rains, It Pours
    30 Rock: Sex, Lies, and Videotape “The secret to a healthy head of hair is Dove … blood.”
  22. Episode 1 The Fabian Strategy
    30 Rock Premiere Recap: Grown-up Love “Okay, season five, here we go.” How else would television’s most meta sitcom launch into its fifth season?
  1. Episode 22 What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?
    30 Rock Recap: The Marriage Plots Last night’s season finale felt like the ideal blend of plot, topical jokes, and callbacks.
  2. Episode 21 The Return of Avery Jessup
    30 Rock Recap: Wearing the Pants Avery returns from North Korea while Liz and Criss argue over gender roles.
  3. Episode 20 Queen of Jordan 2: The Mystery of the Phantom Pooper
    30 Rock Recap: The Queen of Jordan Returns Last week, we got 30 Rock’s second live episode. This time around, it’s the show’s second episode set entirely inside a reality show.
  4. Episode 19 Live From Studio 6H
    30 Rock Recap: The Year’s Best SNL Episode Last night’s live episode felt like the platonic ideal of a sketch comedy show.
  5. Episode 18 Murphy Brown Lied to Us
    30 Rock Recap: You Are Being So Transvaginal Having a celebrity breakdown is the new sex tape.
  6. Episode 17 Meet the Woggels
    30 Rock Recap: The Talk, Times Three Jenna tries to Yoko a children’s band.
  7. Episode 16 Nothing Left to Lose
    30 Rock Recap: Who’s Your Dad-Smell? Vintage 30 Rock by way of a Simpsons plot point.
  8. Episode 15 The Shower Principle
    30 Rock Recap: Liz and the Viewers Feel Stuck in a Rut The problem with a show as meta as 30 Rock is that when characters make cracks about things getting stale, even those jokes feel repetitive.
  9. Episode 14 Kidnapped by Danger
    30 Rock Recap: Billy Baldwin Does His Best Jack Donaghy And Jenna gets Normal Al’d by Weird Al.
  10. Episode 13 Grandmentor
    30 Rock Recap: Raising Hazel Wassername Featuring Liz Lemon’s hip-hop alter ego Lemonem.
  11. Episode 11 Standards and Practices
    30 Rock Recap: Jack Versus Kaylie Round Two Colon No Subtitle Necessary “She’s a teenaged girl. She’s vicious and vulnerable.”
  12. Episode 10 Alexis Goodlooking and the Case of the Missing Whisky
    30 Rock Recap: Frank & Liz & Lynn & Sylvia Ten Poles Rammed In, the porn version of Temple Grandin.
  13. Episode 9 Leap Day
    30 Rock Recap: Rebecca Birdstein Classic Leap Day traditions include wearing yellow and blue, eating rhubarb, and telling tales of Leap Day William, who lives in the Mariana Trench and emerges every four years to trade children’s tears for candy.
  14. Episode 8 The Tuxedo Begins
    30 Rock Recap: Batman & Lemon “How could we pay their salaries without using their money?”
  15. Episodes 6 - 7 Hey Baby, What’s Wrong?
    30 Rock Recap: Like Owner, Like Lizard “If those teeth were in your vagina, you’d be considered a monster.”
  16. Episode 5 Today You Are A Man
    30 Rock Recap: It’s a Jack-Off Liz and Jack negotiate, and Tracy, Jenna, and Kenneth cycle through story lines from previous seasons.
  17. Episode 4 The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell
    30 Rock Recap: Knob Kardashian “Look out, world! Liz Lemon is 41, covered in paint, and looking for a new best friend.”
  18. Episode 3 Idiots Are People Three
    30 Rock Recap: Private Schooled Because of you there might be an Entourage movie.
  19. Episode 2 Idiots Are People Two!
    30 Rock Recap: Boycott The real life Tracy Morgan controversy gets the meta treatment.
  20. Episode 1 Dance Like Nobody’s Watching
    30 Rock Recap: Keep on Dancing Till the World Ends “You don’t have a little rat face, you opposite of a turd with eyes.”
  1. Episodes 12 - 13 Hogcock!/Last Lunch
    30 Rock Recap: How to Say Good-bye That’s a wrap on 30 Rock, everyone.
  2. Episode 11 A Goon’s Deed in a Weary World
  3. Episode 10 Florida
    30 Rock Recap: The Beginning of the End After last week’s volley of one-liners and intrigue, this week’s ep landed like a lead balloon.
  4. Episode 9 Game Over
    30 Rock Recap: Jack Donaghy Always Wins Episodes like this make us realize how much we’ll miss this show.
  5. Episode 8 My Whole Life Is Thunder
    30 Rock Recap: Rest in Peace, Colleen You were 87 years young — 14 in demon years.
  6. Episode 7 Mazel Tov, Dummies!
    30 Rock Recap: Liz Got Married, Dummies! Blammo. Engaged, Top Gun–style. They registered at Popcorn Palace.
  7. Episode 6 Aunt Phatso vs. Jack Donaghy
  8. Episode 5 There’s No I in America
    30 Rock Recap: Think of the Children Mitt Romney was most likely not elected president of 30 Rock America.
  9. Episode 4 Unwindulax
    30 Rock Recap: Catching Crabs in Paradise Every vote counts in this election. Kidding! No one’s vote matters except for Jenna’s.
  10. Episode 3 Stride of Pride
    30 Rock Recap: Why Women Are Funny The latest stop on Tina Fey’s Farewell Whistlestop Tour of Annoying Things She’s Had to Deal With While Making 30 Rock.
  11. Episode 2 Governor Dunston
    30 Rock Recap: Dunston Checks In Blame vice-presidential candidate fatigue for the blah-ness of last night’s episode.
  12. Episode 1 The Beginning of the End
    30 Rock Recap: Let’s Tank This Mother Liz and Jack kick off the show’s final season by vowing to destroy NBC.

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