Glee - TV Episode Recaps & News


  1. Episode 22 Journey
    Glee Season Finale: Carry On, Carry On We love it — more than most things in life! But the show still has a lot to learn.
  2. Episode 21 Funk
    Glee: Renegades of Funk At first, we worried about this week’s episode. But we shouldn’t have.
  3. Episode 20 Theatricality
    Glee Recap: Gaga Week Arrives The group goes Gaga and Kiss; Kurt and Finn fight; and Rachel finally finds her mom.
  4. Episode 19 Dream On
    Glee Recap: Dream On Welcome, Neil Patrick Harris! You are awesome.
  5. Episode 18 Laryngitis
    Glee: Is It Getting Better? Great tunes, believable and touching plot, and a healthy dose of absurdism.
  6. Episode 17 Bad Reputation
    Glee: Collaborate and Listen Bad songs of the world, unite!
  7. Episode 16 Home
    Glee Recap: Kristin Chenoweth Comes Home How do you follow up Madonna?
  8. Episode 15 The Power of Madonna
    Glee: Madonna and Children We can all breathe now: The Madonna episode was, for the most part, epic.
  9. Episode 14 Hell-o
    Glee: Greetings Say hello to the cruel realities you’re used to, our characters are told, ‘cause they won’t go away any time soon.
  10. Episode 13 Sectionals
  11. Episode 12 Mattress
    Glee: Jump Around At long last, Absurd Pregnancy Plotline No. 1 has resolved itself!
  12. Episode 11 Hairography
    Glee: Driven to Distraction One of the best songs yet — as well as one of the worst.
  13. Episode 10 Ballad
    Glee: I Just Crush a Lot Lust is in the air as we head back to Crazytown.
  14. Episode 9 Wheels
    Glee: Roll Play Finally, everyone is dealing with believable problems.
  15. Episode 8 Mash-Up
    Glee: Rap Attack Schue gets on the mike!
  16. Episode 7 Throwdown
    Glee: Minority Report Sue barks out the most marvelous roll call ever: “Gay kid! Wheels! Asian! Other Asian! Aretha!”
  17. Episode 6 Vitamin D
    Glee: Divide and Conquer Mr. Schue’s grand idea: Get the kids in competition, and they’ll get psyched for Sectionals!
  18. Episode 5 The Rhodes Not Taken
    Glee: You Best Believe It Who thought Kristin Chenoweth, squeaky mistress of soprano sunshine, could bring gravitas to the show?
  19. Episode 4 Preggers
    Glee: Here’s the Kicker? The football team learns the true meaning of teamwork — and putting a ring on it!
  20. Episode 3 Acafellas
    Glee: This Is How We Do It (Once a Week) “This is what we call total disaster, ladies. I’m going to ask you to smell your armpits.”
  21. Episode 2 Showmance
    Glee Season Premiere: Pushing It Real Good We rate the musical numbers in the categories of Pizazz, Relevance, and Absurdity!
  1. Episode 22 New York
    Glee Recap: A Helluva Town It’s the finale, nationals, and more original songs.
  2. Episode 21 Funeral
    Glee Recap: Try a Little Tenderness Glee club reaches out to Sue in her time of need.
  3. Episode 20 Prom Queen
    Glee Recap: Prom Happens And it’s dramatic for everyone.
  4. Episode 19 Rumours
    Glee Recap: Mac Attack ’Glee’ does ‘Rumours’ and rumors.
  5. Episode 18 Born This Way
    Glee Recap: Nip/Tuck Everyone learns to live with what they hate about themselves.
  6. Episode 17 Night of Neglect
    Glee Recap: Lack of R-E-S-P-E-C-T ’Glee’ returns from hiatus.
  7. Episode 16 Orginal Song
    Glee Recap: New Material Blurt happens, and so do original songs.
  8. Episode 15 Sexy
    Glee Recap: Too Sexy for This Song Gwyneth Paltrow returns, with a “there’s no day too soon for (protected) sex!” mantra.
  9. Episode 14 Blame It on The Alcohol
    Glee Recap: Just Say No Featuring the musical stylings of “Ke Dollar Sign Ha”
  10. Episode 13
    Glee Recap: Never Say Never Remember last week’s episode of ‘Glee’? Yeah, those sure were the days.
  11. Episode 12 Silly Love Songs
    Glee Recap: Blue Valentine “I’ve kissed Finn, and just let me say? Not worth a buck.”
  12. Episode 11 The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
    Glee Recap: Better Understanding Through Zombie Dancing Everyone finally gives in to the ‘Glee’ mantra that life is better when you’re singing and dancing.
  13. Episode 10 A Very Glee Christmas
    Glee Recap: A Mean One “Even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.”
  14. Episode 9 Special Education
    Glee Recap: Why the Caged Kurt Sings Why is a choir of senior citizens competing against two high schools?
  15. Episode 8 Furt
    Glee Recap: Here Comes the Bride “I just prefer to think of the homeless as outdoorsy.”
  16. Episode 7 The Substitute
    Glee Recap: Forget Schue It turns out that a dose of wacky Gwyneth Paltrow was just what the doctor ordered for this season of ‘Glee.’
  17. Episode 6 Never Been Kissed
    Glee Recap: Teenage Dream After five episodes this season, it would appear ‘Glee’ has decided to go back to a little thing called “plot.”
  18. Episode 5 The Rocky Horror Glee Show
    Glee Recap: Damn It The episode that could have truly transgressed was actually one of the more traditional ‘Glee’ shows.
  19. Episode 4
    Glee Recap: Get Happy “If I don’t have something warm beneath me, I can’t digest my food.”
  20. Episode 3 Grilled Cheesus
    Glee Recap: Faith “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I guess I don’t have to — I think Mary Lou Retton’s, like, an orphan or something.”
  21. Episode 2 Britney/Brittany
    Glee Recap: Speared “I’m Brittany S. Pierce. I’ve lived my entire life in Britney Spears’s shadow.”
  22. Episode 1 Audition
    Glee Premiere Recap: Kinda Busy The most meta episode starter ever!
  1. Episode 22 Goodbye
    Glee Recap: The End Is an Afterthought No one has ever watched Glee to see the kids graduate. But yet, there they were.
  2. Episode 21 Nationals
    Glee Recap: Commemorative Plaques All Around “Nationals” was Glee at its best: Singing teenagers. Some feelings. Some jokes. We even cried once!
  3. Episode 20 Props
    Glee Recap: Leg Warmers and Massive Arcs of Fire We came to this episode fairly prepared to hate the Freaky Friday body swap.
  4. Episode 19 Prom-asaurus
    Glee Recap: When Dino Prom Ruled the Earth When prom and anti-prom meet, do they cancel each other out?
  5. Episode 18 Choke
    Glee Recap: Just Stick to Singing Teenagers Remember the time Glee had an episode about domestic violence and called it “Choke”?
  6. Episode 17 Dance With Somebody
    Glee Recap: The Whitney Tribute Okay, maybe the locker shrine was a bit much.
  7. Episode 16 Saturday Night Glee-ver
    Glee Recap: The Theme Is Obviously Jumpsuits It’s Saturday Night Fever time, but not a single mention of the Bee Gees.
  8. Episode 15 Big Brother
    Glee Recap: Your Moves Lacked a Theme In which we discover what happened with the marriage and car accident cliff-hangers.
  9. Episode 14 On My Way
    Glee Recap: Suicide and Regionals Which is the A-story?
  10. Episode 13 Heart
    Glee Recap: Jeff Goldblum O’Clock Glee! NO RAPPING!!! Ever!
  11. Episode 12 The Spanish Teacher
    Glee Recap: La Cucaracha Ugh, Will Schuester.
  12. Episode 11 Michael
    Glee Recap: Takin’ It to the Streets “I’d throw this milk in your face but it’s not nearly scalding enough.”
  13. Episode 10 Yes/No
    Glee Recap: Did She Put Up a Fight? Helen Mirren, synchronized swimming, and marriage proposals.
  14. Episode 9 Extraordinary Merry Christmas
    Glee Recap: Yes, We Know It’s Christmastime Congratulations, Glee. You’ve ruined Joni Mitchell.
  15. Episode 8 Hold on to Sixteen
    Glee Recap: Thank You for Being My Friend Not just something you say to red solo cups.
  16. Episode 7 I Kissed a Girl
    Glee Recap: Lady Music The theme of this episode is “violently ripping a vulnerable gay teenager out of the closet.”
  17. Episode 6 Mash Off
    Glee Recap: Slap Slap Santana might not make any sense sometimes, but she is not boring.
  18. Episode 5 The First Time
    Glee Recap: Losing It “How are we, as virgins, supposed to follow THAT?!”
  19. Episode 4 Pot O’ Gold
    Glee Recap: Lucky Charms Leprechauns, pizza making morticians, and last-minute congressional races.
  20. Episode 3 Asian F
    Glee Recap: Ginger Supremacy This episode is bonkers.
  21. Episode 2 I Am Unicorn
    Glee Recap: The Last Unicorn “Will Schuester never did appreciate the gentle tremble of your thin, forgettable alto.”
  22. Episode 1
    Glee Recap: Beat It Season three begins!
  1. Episode 22 All or Nothing
    Glee Season Finale Recap: Regionals, Obviously The season finale was mostly a love letter to, for, and about Brittany.
  2. Episode 21 Wonder-ful
    Glee Recap: Misguidedly Supportive Television Parents We’re just super stoked to get a Glee where no one’s getting shot at or molested.
  3. Episode 20 Lights Out
    Glee Recap: Unplugged and Ill-Advised Not all the things that complicate us or make us interesting as humans are born out of trauma, Glee.
  4. Episode 18 Shooting Star
    Glee Recap: No One Dies No one’s saying Glee isn’t allowed to try to tackle big issues like school shootings. The show’s just not very good at it.
  5. Episode 18 Sweet Dreams
    Glee Recap: Continue Believin’ Glee consistently abandons the important issues it milks for drama. Maybe it shouldn’t try then.
  6. Episode 17 Guilty Pleasures
    Glee Recap: Songs About Sweaters Glee just loves to follow terrible episodes with pretty good ones like last night’s.
  7. Episode 16 Feud
    Glee Recap: Don’t Apply Logic to Lopez Is anyone else increasingly frustrated at how phoned-in this season has been?
  8. Episode 15 Girls (and Boys) on Film
    Glee Recap: Movie Meh-gic It’s movies week on Glee, and the show sings its 500th song.
  9. Episode 14 I Do
    Glee Recap: An Anxiety Attack Set to Music A lot of hooking up on last night’s episode.
  10. Episode 12 Naked
    Glee Recap: Crazy Girl Makes Good The New Directions are back in the running.
  11. Episode 12 Diva
    Glee Recap: Where Air Comes From Kurt blows Rachel away with a song from Les Miz.
  12. Episode 11 Sadie Hawkins
    Glee Recap: Stolen Kisses, Stolen Songs What will likely overshadow last night’s episode (which, honestly, would be a breeze to overshadow) is the whole Jonathan Coulton thing.
  13. Episode 10 Glee, Actually
    Glee Recap: Your Christmas/Mayan-Apocalypse Gift Is Prostate Cancer Glee’s Christmas episodes are historically problematic. The streak continues.
  14. Episode 9 Swan Song
    Glee Recap: Carefully Chosen Bells and Whistles If you’re a casual Glee fan, you might have missed how directly last night’s episode knocked down the fourth wall.
  15. Episode 8 Thanksgiving
    Glee Recap: Just Sing Gibberish It’s sectionals time!
  16. Episode 7 Dynamic Duets
    Glee Recap: Holding Out For a Hero Everything about this episode felt like season one Glee.
  17. Episode 6 Glease
    Glee Recap: Glease Is The Word Thanks for the lesson on how to binge and purge, Glee.
  18. Episode 5 The Role You Were Born to Play
  19. Episode 4 The Break-Up
  20. Episode 3 Makeover
    Glee Recap: Strip Debates and Couture Bunkers Last night was Sarah Jessica Parker’s first appearance as Kurt’s very kind boss at Vogue.
  21. Episode 2 Britney 2.0
    Glee Recap: Britney, One More Time It’s been 723 days since our last Britney Spears–themed episode of Glee.
  22. Episode 1 The New Rachel
    Glee Recap: New Faces, Old Slushies It’s a new Glee this season, as the producers and cast spent all summer warning us — a show that’s been spun off into itself.
  1. Episode 20 The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
    Glee Season 5 Finale Recap: Canonical Bird Fetishes Glee ended its fifth season, and it still hasnt’t quite figured out what to be now.
  2. Episode 19 Old Dog, New Tricks
    Glee Recap: Dogs, Tricks, and Peter Pan There are a lot of puppies in this episode. And June Squibb.
  3. Episode 18 The Back-Up Plan
    Glee Recap: What’s Your Damage, Rachel Berry? What sheer joy it was to see Shirley MacLaine charge up to a stage with a microphone in her hand.
  4. Episode 17 Opening Night
    Glee Recap: Bi-Curious Minstrel Show of Self-Congratulation “Do people like Rachel?” It’s a perfectly valid question.
  5. Episode 16 Tested
    Glee Recap: Love Is a Battlefield This episode began with a fake newsreel about the clap, and it was one of the best thing’s Glee’s done in a while.
  6. Episode 15 Bash
  7. Episode 14 New New York
    Glee Recap: Accursed Ennui Everyone’s finally in New York.
  8. Episode 13 New Directions
    Glee Recap: Long Live the New Directions The New Directions are dead. Long live the New Directions.
  9. Episode 12 100
    Glee Recap: End of an Era Gwyneth Paltrow and Kristin Chenoweth, great, but Heather Morris was the MVP.
  10. Episode 11 City of Angels
  11. Episode 10 Trio
    Glee Recap: A Dude Ranch on a Nuclear Waste Site Renditions of “Hold On” and “Gloria” and “Barracuda”: Can you say sassy?
  12. Episode 9 Frenemies
    Glee Recap: Kelly Clarkson Solves Everything Rachel gets a New York Magazine cover shoot — how meta.
  13. Episode 8 Previously Unaired Christmas
  14. Episode 7 Puppet Master
    Glee Recap: The Fox Says Whatever It’s hard not to be at least a little charmed by puppet versions of every Glee character.
  15. Episode 6 Movin’ Out
    Glee Recap: The Channing Tatum Former Male Stripper Grant A Billy Joel tribute without “We Didn’t Start the Fire”? Seriously?
  16. Episode 5 The End of Twerk
    Glee Recap: Twerking, Moles, and ‘Blurred Lines’ Transgender issues? Relevant. The rape-iness of “Blurred Lines”? Not so much.
  17. Episode 4 A Katy or a Gaga
    Glee Recap: Loincloths and Vine-Swinging Notwithstanding “Are you a Katy or a Gaga?” isn’t a particularly interesting question.
  18. Episode 3 The Quarterback
    Glee Recap: His Voice in Our Head R.I.P. Finn Hudson.
  19. Episode 2 Tina in the Sky With Diamonds
    Glee Recap: Take a Sad Song and Make It Better Prom night, Beatles (and Carrie) style.
  20. Episode 1 Love, Love, Love
    Glee Recap: Nothing You Can Sing That Can’t Be Sung Last night on Glee, two boys got engaged.
  1. Episodes 12 - 13 2009/Dreams Come True
  2. Episode 11 We Built This Glee Club
    Glee Recap: Come Sail Away It brings the warm fuzzies.
  3. Episode 10 The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
    Glee Recap: The Final Countdown What the hell was this episode?
  4. Episode 9 Child Star
    Glee Recap: Friday, I’m in Love This episode suffered from a touch of the Ruby Problem. 
  5. Episode 8 A Wedding
    Glee Recap: I Do, I Do, I Do The episode was overly sentimental, unrealistic, and really lovely.
  6. Episode 7 Transitioning
    Glee Recap: Introducing Sheldon Beiste None of this would work with an actor less skilled than Dot-Marie Jones.
  7. Episode 6 What the World Needs Now
    Glee Recap: Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves Last night’s episode was the tiniest bit boring. 
  8. Episode 5 The Hurt Locker, Part 2
    Glee Recap: Elevator Horror Story For the duration of the series, there will be no fourth wall.
  9. Episode 4 The Hurt Locker, Part 1
    Glee Recap: A Suitcase Full of Glitter and Tears The show returns to its darkly hilarious roots.
  10. Episode 3 Jagged Little Tapestry
  11. Episodes 1 - 2 Loser Like Me/Homecoming
    Glee Season 6 Premiere Recap: Filed by Emotion Judging by last night’s two strong episodes, Glee might just go out with a bang.

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