How I Met Your Mother - TV Episode Recaps & News

How I Met Your Mother

  1. Episode 24 Doppelgangers
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Baby-Making Time In the season finale, Marshall and Lily start making plans. Baby plans.
  2. Episode 23
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Ted Mosby Biopic Without his knowledge, Ted gets the Hollywood treatment.
  3. Episode 22 Robots Versus Wrestlers
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Fourth Doppelgänger Robots! Wrestling! Arianna Huffington!
  4. Episode 21
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Robin’s Out In last night’s episode, something actually happened!
  5. Episode 20
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Ted Mosby Is Crazy Ted buys a house in the suburbs.
  6. Episode 19
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Monkey Business Marshall gets mugged, but blames it on a monkey for Lily’s sake.
  7. Episode 18 Say Cheese
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Random Skank Lane Ted ruins Lily’s birthday.
  8. Episode 17 Of Course
  9. Episode 16 Hooked
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Captain Hook Carrie Underwood joined the crew for some dating drama.
  10. Episode 15 Rabbit or Duck
  11. Episode 14 Perfect Week
    How I Met Your Mother: Perfectionist Barney Stinson Barney goes for the “perfect week” while the gang cheers him on out of sadness.
  12. Episode 13 Jenkins
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: No Neil Patrick Harris, No Problem Barney ceded the spotlight last night, and counterintuitively, it totally worked.
  13. Episode 12 Girls Versus Suits
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Suit Up Barney goes after a hot bartender, while Ted gets closer than ever to the mother.
  14. Episode 11 Last Cigarette Ever
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Smoke Break While Robin tangles with her new co-worker/future-love-interest, the gang tries to quit smoking.
  15. Episode 10 The Window
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Vanilla Thunder While Ted goes after the girl of his dreams (again), Marshall comes to terms with growing up (again).
  16. Episode 9 Slapsgiving II: The Revenge of the Slap
    How I Met Your Mother: Home for the Holidays Slaps, turkey, fake bile, and more!
  17. Episode 8 The Playbook
    How I Met Your Mother: Barney Cracks Open the Playbook The episode culminates in his deployment of the “Scuba Diver.”
  18. Episode 7 The Rough Patch
    How I Met Your Mother: Barney From the Rubble Last night’s episode was the best of the season.
  19. Episode 6 Bagpipes
    How I Met Your Mother: Couples Therapy Barney: “Can’t fight when you’re not there. That’s what Gandhi taught us.”
  20. Episode 5 Dual Citizenship
    How I Met Your Mother: Oh, Canada The gang goes traveling to Chicago and Toronto.
  21. Episode 4 The Sexless Inkeeper
    How I Met Your Mother: Ye Olde Sexless Innkeeper Marshall and Lily woo Barney and Robin, while Ted strikes out on his own.
  22. Episode 3 Robin 101
    How I Met Your Mother: Those Who Can, Do … Ted teaches Barney how to date Robin, while Marshall tries to give away a barrel.
  23. Episode 2 Double Date
    How I Met Your Mother Goes to the Strip Club Stripper doppelgängers! Jell-O! Chewbacca!
  24. Episode 1 Definitions
    How I Met Your Mother Season Premiere: Barman and Robin While Ted gets nervous about his first day of school, Barney and Robin decline to define the relationship.
  1. Episode 24
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Weddings and Babies Surprises in the season finale.
  2. Episode 23 landmarks
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Tear Down That Wall Already Good bye Zoey. Don’t let the door hit you…
  3. Episode 22 The Perfect Cocktail
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Drinking Games On alcohol and its mood-altering side effects.
  4. Episode 21 Hopeless
  5. Episode 20 The Exploding Meatball Sub
  6. Episode 19 Legendaddy
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Mind the Gap How Barney met his father.
  7. Episode 18 A Change of Heart
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Barney’s Aversion And Jason Segel’s stoned acting was not as Method as we would have expected.
  8. Episode 16 Desperation Day
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Who Gives Love a Bad Name? Based on the past few episodes, it’s fair to say that this season of ‘HIMYM’ has finally hit its stride.
  9. Episode 15 Oh Honey
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: It’s All in the Game “We hate Ted now, get on board.”
  10. Episode 14 Last Words
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Any Last Words “That guy gave you noogies? What, did he carry a stepladder?”
  11. Episode 13 Bad News
  12. Episode 12 False Positives
  13. Episode 11 The Mermaid Theory
  14. Episode 9 Glitter
  15. Episode 8 Natural History
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Museum of Natural History Got Us Falling In Love Ted moves closer to Zoey, while Robin and Barney move closer to fake lions and penguins.
  16. Episode 7 Canning Randy
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Monday Night Live Will Forte pops up again, and kills it.
  17. Episode 6 Baby Talk
  18. Episode 5 Architect of Destruction
  19. Episode 4 Subway Wars
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: New York Is Killing Me Buses, subways, cabs, and Maury Povich.
  20. Episode 3 Unfinished
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: These Dreams Ted and Robin have some growing up to do.
  21. Episode 2 Cleaning House
  22. Episode 1 Big Days
  1. Episodes 23 - 24 The Magician’s Code
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: How Did We Get Here? An engagement, a wedding, and a baby.
  2. Episode 22 Good Crazy
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Labor Day Marshall’s last cigarette and the birth of Baby Eriksen.
  3. Episode 21 Now We’re Even
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Point Taken Lily had a sex dream, Barney dated a stripper, and Ted learned the benefits of living alone.
  4. Episode 19 The Broath
  5. Episode 18 Karma
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Moving On “I see her dancing on that pole, too.”
  6. Episode 16 The Drunk Train
  7. Episode 15 The Burning Beekeeper
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Kugel Exercise “Every 30 seconds there’s a crisis. Oh God, this is parenthood.”
  8. Episode 14 46 Minutes
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Separation Anxiety “Celebrate our independence with an on-the-peen-dance.”
  9. Episode 13 Tailgate
  10. Episode 12 Symphony of Illumination
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: She’s Not Having a Baby Was there a dry eye in the house?
  11. Episode 11 The Rebound Girl
  12. Episode 10 Tick, Tick, Tick
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Time After Time “I’m such a mess — why do you even like me?”
  13. Episode 9 Disaster Averted
  14. Episode 8 The Slutty Pumpkin Returns
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Not-So-Great Pumpkin Katie Holmes makes her appearance.
  15. Episode 7 Noretta
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Meet the Parents And many a previous ‘HIMYM’ guest star.
  16. Episode 6 Mystery vs. History
  17. Episode 5 Field Trip
  18. Episode 3 The Stinson Missile Crisis
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Three’s Company “I’ve had serial killers lead me to shallow graves faster than you’re telling this story.”
  19. Episode 2 The Ducky Tie
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Victoria Is Not Ours The second episode of the season improves on the first.
  20. Episode 1
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Cover Boy The seventh season begins!
  1. Episode 24 Something New
  2. Episode 23 Something Old
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Digging Up the Past Nothing much seems to matter in HIMYM’s love triangle.
  3. Episode 22 The Bro Mitzvah
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Sweeping Barney’s Leg With an appearance by William Zabka. You might be too young to know who that is.
  4. Episode 21 Romeward Bound
  5. Episode 20 The Time Travelers
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Future Is Now Last night’s episode was unexpectedly moving.
  6. Episode 19 The Fortress
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Home Sweet Home Last night’s episode was incapable of coming up with a joke that it didn’t then beat to death.
  7. Episode 18 Weekend at Barney’s
  8. Episode 17 The Ashtray
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Revisionist History It looks like HIMYM is getting to those episodes that were probably written when the show’s fate was still in flux.
  9. Episode 16 Bad Crazy
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Crazy Love Laborious storytelling abounded on last night’s episode, which featured a Mike Tyson cameo.
  10. Episode 15 P.S. I Love You
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Dobler Effect Robin Sparkles returns in what might be the best episode of this season.
  11. Episode 14 Ring Up
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Ring in the New We’re still getting used to seeing Barney and Robin as an engaged couple.
  12. Episode 13 Band or DJ?
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Ted’s With the Band A lot happened at a restaurant named Pizzazzy’s. In case you didn’t get that, we’ll repeat it: Pizzazzy’s.
  13. Episodes 11 - 12 The Final Page, Parts One and Two
  14. Episode 10 The Over-Correction
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Trapped in the Closet Neither a Borrow-neyer nor a lender be.
  15. Episode 9 Lobster Crawl
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: No More Second Chances After two impressive episodes in a row, we were probably due for a lazy one.
  16. Episode 8 Twelve Horny Women
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Peer Pressure Last night’s episode was kind of timeless.
  17. Episode 7 The Stamp Tramp
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Where Credit Is Due We have nothing but praise for last night’s episode.
  18. Episode 6 Splitsville
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Nick of Time Nick, we hardly knew you — not that we really wanted to.
  19. Episode 5 The Autumn of Break-Ups
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Man’s Best Friend How did it take this long for HIMYM to come up with the idea of having a dog play Barney’s wingman?
  20. Episode 4 Who Wants to Be a Godparent
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Be My Little Baby Let’s play “Who Wants to Be a godparent?”
  21. Episode 3 Nannies
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Child’s Play Really? Chris Elliott? Again?
  22. Episode 2 The Pre-Nup
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Fine Print Episodes like last night’s represent the best and worst of HIMYM.
  23. Episode 1 Farhampton
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: There Goes the Bride This is hopefully the show’s last season, so let’s give these lovable characters the exit they deserve.
  1. Episodes 23 - 24 Last Forever, Part 1 & 2
    How I Met Your Mother Series Finale Recap: Not-So-Happy Endings There’s bound to be a lot of feelings in the room.
  2. Episode 22 The End of the Aisle
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Take a Vow Robin has pre-wedding jitters, and the ring bear makes it.
  3. Episode 21 Gary Blauman
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Remembering This Gary Blauman returns and Ted has his first date with the Mother.
  4. Episode 20 Daisy
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Building a Mystery Chris Elliott and Kyle MacLachlan return for one last time.
  5. Episode 19 Vesuvius
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Love Story A pretty upsetting conclusion last night, assuming we’re all assuming the same thing.
  6. Episode 18 Rally
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Hangover For anyone who likes to drink, there’s some sad truth to this episode.
  7. Episode 17 Sunrise
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: A New Day So Ted and Robin took Barney’s disappearance in stride, literally.
  8. Episode 16 How Your Mother Met Me
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Stories She Tells The 200th installment of HIMYM unfolded from the Mother’s point of view.
  9. Episode 15 Unpause
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Up All Night Only eight episodes left, and last night gives us reason to be a little sad about that.
  10. Episode 14 Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Slappy Seconds One of the show’s best running gags returns.
  11. Episode 13 Bass Player Wanted
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Gang’s All Here So, the Mother. What does everybody think?
  12. Episode 12 The Rehearsal Dinner
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Acclaim for Canada Episodes like this are why we keep on watching.
  13. Episode 11 Bedtime Stories
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Rhyme Scheme What is to be thought of last night’s rhyming episode?
  14. Episode 10 Mom and Dad
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Parent Claptrap The show’s creators wrote this episode, which is disappointing, because it’s the worst of the season.
  15. Episode 9 Platonish
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Clocking Robin Bryan Cranston returns as tyrannical architect Hammond Druthers.
  16. Episode 8 The Lighthouse
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Modest Proposals Is more of the Mother enough to end this show’s final-season cold streak?
  17. Episode 7 No Questions Asked
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Debt Collection When the wedding-weekend concept was first announced, we wondered how HIMYM would handle holiday episodes.
  18. Episode 6 Knight Vision
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: More Bad Choices HIMYM rifled through their bag of tricks last night and used pretty much every one.
  19. Episode 5 The Poker Game
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Busted Flush Last night was heavy on hyperbole.
  20. Episode 4 The Broken Code
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: Bad Connections Now with even more Billy Zabka.
  21. Episode 3 Last Time in New York
    How I Met Your Mother Recap: The Long Good-bye The Farhampton Inn is proving to be a promising alternate universe for the characters.
  22. Episodes 1 - 2 The Locket/Coming Back

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