The Real Housewives of New Jersey - TV Episode Recaps & News

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

  1. Episode 17 Finale Part 2
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: And It Ends With a Group Hug The finale concludes with an insincere reconciliation with Danielle that Caroline’s not buying.
  2. Episode 16 Reunion Part 1
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Reunited to Yell Some More Andy Cohen makes sure that no grudge goes un-aired.
  3. Episode 15 The Heads of Family Will Roll
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale Recap The season ends with an “epic” confrontation between Danielle and Caroline. Neither one comes off very well.
  4. Episode 14 The Chanels of Venice
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Viva Italia! The ladies are off to Venice, where Teresa goes into a sick spending frenzy. Again.
  5. Episode 13 Don’t Drink the Holy Water
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Christening and the Sex Talk Baby Audriana is christened, and Joe nearly implodes from the stress of spending money he doesn’t have.
  6. Episode 12 Youth Will Be Served
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: It’s Party Time Destitution be damned, Teresa wants her tenth anniversary to be special.
  7. Episode 11 Staub Wounds
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: New Digs? Teresa looks at her possible future, but remains in denial.
  8. Episode 10 Country Clubbed
    Real Housewives of NJ: Watch the Hair Pull Danielle and Teresa go at it on the lawn.
  9. Episode 9 Posche Spite
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Fashion Showdown This week’s setting for everyone fighting with Danielle? A fashion show.
  10. Episode 8 Bubbies Gone Bad
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: It’s Come Down to a Breast Exam One of Danielle’s implants has gone wrong, and so have the Housewives’ kids.
  11. Episode 7 Play at Your Own Risk
  12. Episode 6 It’s Not Me, It’s You
    Real Housewives of NJ: Pity Party When the Housewives go out of their way to tell Danielle they don’t want to be her friend, tears are inevitable. As are arguments.
  13. Episode 5 Into the Lion’s Den
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Never Utter Your Ferraris Danielle stages a public showdown with the Manzos at a benefit.
  14. Episode 4 Babies, Bubbles and Bubbies
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: When Do the Arrests Start? No one is safe from these Housewives, not even infants with cancer.
  15. Episode 3 Catty-Walk
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: More Danielle Drama Means Less Show Drama The other women’s obsession with Danielle is sapping the energy they need to be crazy on their own.
  16. Episode 2 Generation Vexed
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Nobody Wins in the Ham Game While Caroline’s kids can’t stop throwing luncheon meat, Danielle plans her daughter’s supermodel career.
  17. Episode 1 Water Under the Table
    Real Housewives of NJ Recap: Mean Girls The ladies are back, all still happily obsessed with the prostitution whoo-ah.
  1. Episode 21 Reunion, Part 2
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Andy Has the Last Word It takes a while, but we finally realize why he’s been targeting Teresa so baldly.
  2. Episode 20 Reunion, Part 1
  3. Episode 19 Portrait of an Italian Family
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Portrait of an Insane Family The family is immortalized just as ‘Fabulicious!’ poises to tear them apart.
  4. Episode 18 Blood Is Thicker Than Guccis
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Melissa Gets Her Moment to Be ‘On Display’ Though we have to endure the conclusion of the inane Punta Cana adventures first.
  5. Episode 17 Get to the Punta!
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Trouble, This Time in Paradise Now they can all scream and get bug-eyed in monokinis.
  6. Episode 15 Black as Ink
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Joe Feud Cannot Be Quashed Why can’t they all just get along? Well, because that would eliminate the show’s reason for being.
  7. Episode 14 Belly Up & Up
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Beverly Hills Suicide Changes Everything It’s harder to look at these people’s self-inflicted financial stresses without quivering in frustration.
  8. Episode 13 Child’s Play No More
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Kids Say the Damningest Things Ashley is not taking the “grow up” talk lying down.
  9. Episode 12
  10. Episode 11
  11. Episode 10 There Arose Such a Clatter
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Christmas Grouse The Yuletide fighting continues as Kim G. is ousted as Joe Giudice simmers to a boil.
  12. Episode 9 Twas the Fight Before Christmas
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Screw Yule! In New Jersey, Christmas is a time for gaudiness, screaming, and grudges old and new.
  13. Episode 8 Holidazed and Confused
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Christmas in July Among our gifts: Joe Gorga in a sparkly onesie, and the return of Kim G.!
  14. Episode 7 Teresa’s Got a Gun
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Locked and Loaded The Giudices have everyone over for a weekend of live ammo and dry-humping.
  15. Episode 6 Whine and Dine
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Sibling Sitdown What motivated the massively insulting use of the word “redone”? An explanation doesn’t make things any clearer.
  16. Episode 5 Splits and Giggles
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Musical Interludes Who knew Melissa had such “musical” “talent”?
  17. Episode 3 Sealed with a Diss
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Peace Offering Teresa attempts to write a letter of conciliation to Joe, who is distracted by his own pimple analogy.
  18. Episode 2 Drop Dead Gorgas
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Fashion Emergency Kathy’s accusations bring out Teresa’s table-flipping eyes.
  19. Episode 1 In the Name of the Father
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Anatomy of a Brawl What brought on Joe’s double-fisted game of Whac-a-Mole?
  1. Episode 23 Reunion, Part 3
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: There’s No Pain Without Love The final reunion episode is a cornucopia of dicks, disses and delights.
  2. Episode 22 Reunion, Part 2
  3. Episode 20 Strip Down Memory Lane
  4. Episode 19 A Bald Canary Sings
    RHONJ Recap: Littlest Gent’s Club in Elizabeth Plus the most TMI-laden thing that Richie’s ever said about Kathy.
  5. Episode 18 Dinasty of Denial
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Before I Fab Your Ass The mystery of “what life’s all about” according to Teresa Guidice is answered.
  6. Episode 17 Hot Tub of Sour Grapes
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Days of Wine and Screaming Caroline’s patience for Tre and (our patience for this show) wanes drastically.
  7. Episode 16 Whine Country
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Marital Grape Teresa attempts to sublimate her adultery fears with a little vineyard P-in va-G.
  8. Episode 15 If This RV Is a Rockin’
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Love Doesn’t Live There Hey! We got a mood ring and a Wiffeball bat for you.
  9. Episode 14 Pack Your Baggage
    RHONJ Recap: That’s Not Camping, That’s Homeless Albert and Caroline play “hide the sausage” by actually hiding sausage.
  10. Episode 13 Sit Down and Man Up
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Operation Dessert Storm In which the colloquialism “it ain’t over until the fat lady sings” causes Lauren to sing.
  11. Episode 12 The Jersey Side Step
    RHONJ Recap: Paint It Blk “I make hot sauces, I sing sometimes, and I put on high pumps.”
  12. Episode 11 The Sniff Test
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: That’s What a Wifey Does Smells like ‘roids, Drakkar Noir, and desperation.
  13. Episode 10 Temporary Shrinkage
  14. Episode 9 Public Display of Rejection
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Disappearance of Da Koi In which Juicy Joe’s stint in therapy at age 11 is revealed.
  15. Episode 8 Best Friends For Never
    The Real Housewives of NJ Recap: Hekyll and Jive Is it just us, or is the whole Tre-tabloid-as-fight-catalyst thing getting old?
  16. Episode 7 True Love, True Lies
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: You and Your Hat, Shut Up Featuring K-Y Touch and a box of Monarch butterflies.
  17. Episode 6 Uncivil Union
    The Real Housewives of NJ Recap: Rosie’s Turn The upcoming gay nuptials seem to be serving up a hot plate of tolerance to everyone in Franklin Lakes.
  18. Episode 5 Spoiled Sports
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Field Day On this episode, titled “Spoiled Sports,” everyone’s a … yeah, you get it.
  19. Episode 3 Third Eye Blind
    RHONJ Recap: Wearing White Don’t Make You Pure If we were using Friends titles, this would be “The One Where They Wear Bindis and Screech at Each Other.”
  20. Episode 2 Poker Face
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Vegas and Diets What could possibly be in that yellow diet liquid?
  21. Episode 1 High Tide, Low Blow
    Real Housewives of NJ Recap: Unleash the Rosie! Drape your dress off one shoulder because season four of The Real Housewives of New Jersey is here.
  1. Episode 18 Reunion Part Two
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: Judging Jackie Will any of these women come back next season?
  2. Episode 17 Reunion Part One
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: a Nation Divided The road to Jersey is paved with good intentions.
  3. Episode 16 And Then There Were Four
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season Finale Recap: No Peace Nobody flips a table, but it’s still a RHONJ fight for the ages.
  4. Episode 15 Nama Stay Away From Me
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Independent Women Grandma Elizabeth never disappoints.
  5. Episode 14 The Importance of Being Family
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Family Ties Not a cheerful week for the Giudice family.
  6. Episode 13 Picking Sides
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The No Feed Zone What the hell is happening on RHONJ?
  7. Episode 12 The Other C Word
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Thick As Thieves Doesn’t Jacqueline know how lame and petty this is?
  8. Episode 11 Rage on My Ass
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Lap of Luxury Why in the world is Jacqueline getting so upset?
  9. Episode 10 Cut the Cancer Out
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Good Television Oy, oy, oy. This is all very upsetting.
  10. Episode 9 Driving Miss Siggy
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Muscle Sprouts Don’t be fooled by Joe and Melissa’s endless dog-and-pony show.
  11. Episode 8 All Bets Are Off
  12. Episode 7 Spa-Catio
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Namaste Teresa and Jacqueline’s reconciliation is the most heartfelt in Housewives history.
  13. Episode 6 Swimming With the Gefilte Fishes
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: What’s Your Sign? Teresa and Jacqueline are headed for another blowout.
  14. Episode 5 Dinner Interrupted
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Hell’s Kitchen Love her or hate her, RHONJ is all about Teresa Giudice.
  15. Episode 4 A Life to Envy
  16. Episode 3 Leopard Is the New Black
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: All Quiet on the Eastern Front Dolores Catania is the gift that keeps on giving.
  17. Episode 2 A Very Hairy Christmas
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Reaching Détente Future historians will study Teresa and Melissa’s Christmas Eve treaty.
  18. Episode 1 Jingle Bells and Prison Cells
    RHONJ Season Premiere Recap: The Year of Tre Fresh out of prison, Teresa Giudice is the undisputed star of RHONJ.
  1. Episode 15 Reunion Part 2
  2. Episode 14 Reunion Part 1
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: Little Veal! Little Veal! Light a sautéed-garlic-and-self-tanner-scented candle: It’s time for the RHONJ reunion!
  3. Episode 13 Prisons, Proposals, and Parties
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Finale Recap: Siggy’s Last Stand The season ends not with a bang, but a sprained ankle.
  4. Episode 12 Ain’t No Misbehaving
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Big Night Joe Gorga is basically the underdog contestant on an episode of Chopped Junior.
  5. Episode 11 Fauxpology
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Smashing Raw Beef As we enter week two of RHONJ’s trip to Milan, I’m happy to report the city is still standing.
  6. Episode 10 Meltdown in Milan
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant Benvenuto to RHONJ’s long-awaited Milan episode!
  7. Episode 9 When Chairs Fly
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Fashion Killa The Posche fashion show is basically the Purge.
  8. Episode 8 Walking on Broken Glass
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Weewee Entering the Cookie Kim D. thinks Teresa is “rekindling old flames” while Joe is in prison.
  9. Episode 7 A Retreat to Remember
  10. Episode 6 Growing Up Jersey
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Gettin’ Siggy With It Does anybody actually believe that Teresa only cares about money?
  11. Episode 5 Not Over It
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Eat, Bray, Love Excuse me, but is no one going to tell us how the tagliatelle was?
  12. Episode 4 The Public Shaming of Melissa
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Welcome Back, Scumbag After all these years, it’s still surreal to see Teresa and Danielle as allies.
  13. Episode 3 The Apology
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Beating a Soggy Horse “Do you know Joan Rivers?” is a perfect RHONJ debate.
  14. Episode 2 Let Them Eat Cake
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: The Ballad of Sexz Chef “Soggy” Flicker is a pretty bad zinger.
  15. Episode 1 Shaddy Beach
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: Let Them Throw Cake This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  1. Episode 18 Reunion Part 3
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: Still That Beverly Even Danielle’s emergence from the sea foam that is the third installment of this reunion cannot save it from being a fairly boring hour of TV.
  2. Episode 17 Reunion Part 2
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: Dit Dit Dit! Yap Yap Yap! Melissa still hasn’t discovered her hypothetical mystery sister, which is fine, given that she has Teresa to bicker with in the meantime.
  3. Episode 16 Reunion Part 1
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: The Teresa Show The marquee bout of tonight’s reunion is Goldschneider vs. Giudice.
  4. Episode 15 Hotheads and Hookahs
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season Finale Recap: Still Waters Run Deep Jennifer and Bill’s perfectly lovely party turns into another kind of party altogether once Danielle and Marty arrive.
  5. Episode 14 Heroines in Heels
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Teahjerkah Jennifer and Melissa’s broken-glass confrontation resolves in surprisingly drama-free fashion.
  6. Episode 13 Camel, Cabo & Catfights
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Hump Day With Margaret and Jennifer finally getting along, Danielle and Teresa take it upon themselves to defrost the seemingly resolved beef.
  7. Episode 12 Mudslinging in Mexico
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Monkey Business You know it’s a ridiculous Housewives fight for the ages when Danielle is the extremely improbable voice of reason.
  8. Episode 11 Whine Country
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: No-Touch Zone Jackie sort of apologizes, Jennifer sort of cries, and everyone is sort of friends again. Until they’re not.
  9. Episode 10 From Turkey With Love
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Old-School Values Is Jennifer … growing on me? What is happening?
  10. Episode 9 Communion and Confession
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: An Absence of Malice Can local journalism be saved by Bravo stars channeling their passive-aggression into print?
  11. Episode 8 Bridezilla of Bimini
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Conch-Measuring Contest On the eve of Danielle and Marty’s wedding, the Joes decide to speak now rather than forever hold their peace.
  12. Episode 7 Brunch Gone Bad
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Final Destination Wedding Danielle’s Bahamas wedding begs the question: Can you be considered a bridezilla when your behavior is monstrous under normal, non-wedding conditions?
  13. Episode 6 Last Fling Before the Ring
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Jekyll and Bride Did anyone really think Danielle was going to be chill about her bachelorette party?
  14. Episode 5 Turkish Delights
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: House of 1,000 Bathrooms Jennifer and her many bathrooms host a traditional Housewives fight that’s rudely interrupted by Jackie’s attempt to bring sanity to the proceedings.
  15. Episode 4 Housewives & Heifers
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Their First Rodeo Jennifer is awful and annoying and exactly what this season needed.
  16. Episode 3 The Jersey Breakfast Club
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Home on the Range The Gorga siblings have so much more in common than they think, including an affinity for treating Melissa like garbage.
  17. Episode 2 Easter Wives Hunt
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Old Battle-Axes A hatchet-throwing party and an Easter Sunday celebration prove to be equally ideal venues for working out aggressions.
  18. Episode 1 Wives and Misdemeanors
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: Let’s Get Physical Teresa’s made gains, Dolores and Margaret are burying hatchets, and Melissa is turning not-40. Plus: new Housewives!
  1. Episode 19 Reunion Part 3
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Recap: What a Decade It’s Been It’s a strange comfort that this franchise, like the glittering cock-a-roach it is, has persisted for 10 years, and could very well last another 10.
  2. Episode 16 Family Reunion
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season Finale Recap: Forgetting Teresa Giudice Turns out, contrary to seasons of evidence we’ve accumulated, Tre is capable of feeling guilt—or at least feeling embarrassment.
  3. Episode 15 Secrets Revealed
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Ol’ Salty’s Revenge A thrilling new chapter in the ponytail saga begins, courtesy of Teresa “Hot Mic” Giudice.
  4. Episode 14 Something in the Water
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: After He Cheats Teresa may be the very last human being with basic cable to come to the conclusion that Joe cheated, but at least she found her way there.
  5. Episode 13 Sorry Not Sorry
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Sexually Frustrating It’s not cute when the RHONJ men insert themselves where they’re not supposed to be.
  6. Episode 12 The Hamptons Hangover
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Losers Weepers Just as I was starting to warm to Jennifer, she engages in one of the dumbest fights we’ve seen in a long time.
  7. Episode 11 Heir Apparent
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Beach Blanket Buffoons This is looking less and less like the actual Hamptons with every passing second.
  8. Episode 10 Mama Drama
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Mother Tuckers Margaret hosts a drag brunch to honor Mother’s Day and set the stage for a lot of Teresa-related drama to come.
  9. Episode 9 Abs & Jabs
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Wrong Side of Hairstory For once, refreshingly, Teresa is held accountable by her castmates. Well, briefly.
  10. Episode 8 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Requiem for a Ponytail Ten years ago we witnessed Ashlee Holmes pull out Danielle’s weave, and now, to christen a new decade, the prophecy has come to fruition once more.
  11. Episode 7 The Last Supper
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Marriage Story Danielle Staub is, in her own way, a genius.
  12. Episode 6 Bay Breezes and Bad News
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Dolphinado In which Jennifer gets knocked into the water by a large mammal for the second consecutive day.
  13. Episode 5 Cut From a Different Cloth
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Straight From the Horse’s Butt It’s time to introduce Jamaica to the official state sport of New Jersey: yelling in restaurants.
  14. Episode 4 Jamaican Jailbait
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Oh, Mon Theresa and Margaret and Jackie at a rum tasting in Jamaica… what could possibly go wrong?
  15. Episode 3 40 and Fancy Free
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Tipsy Equals to Good Blowjobs I love hanging out with these women when they’re drunk, particularly when they’re not yet threatening-each-other-with-shards-of-glass drunk.
  16. Episode 2 On Lock Down
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: It’s a Vibe Danielle joins the ladies for an “adult obstacle course,” yet nobody screams even a single expletive. Gold stars all around.
  17. Episode 1 Sex, Lies and Video Debates
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: Duck You Teresa has heard that Jackie’s spreading rumors about who she is ducking, and she is not pleased with Melissa, whose fault this somehow is.
  1. Episode 13 House of Horrors
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Finale Recap: Pineapple Express Teresa may have started off the season with a bang, but she ends it with a whimper.
  2. Episode 12 Teresa’s Mystery Man
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Undercover Lover The non-reveal of Teresa’s new boyfriend is the greatest disappointment in an episode full of them.
  3. Episode 11 Teresa In Love
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Ass Kissers Let’s hear it for the boys for livening up this increasingly stale season.
  4. Episode 10 Sinking Ships
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Mom’s the Word An otherwise snoozy episode focused on mothers and daughters at least delivers in the awkward-conversation department.
  5. Episode 9 Pineapple Puss
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Size Medium The women get read, and we get no answers, only questions.
  6. Episode 8 Memorial Mayhem
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Nonno More Nonno’s “celebration of life” is sweet until you remember that Teresa’s dead saint of a father is being used to humanize her.
  7. Episode 7 Old Feuds Never Die
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Joe Blow Teresa can’t even realize that Joe is in pain too — she’s too wrapped up in the half-eaten gyro of her own frustration.
  8. Episode 6 Dildos Down the Shore
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Bad Vibrations Mentioning Teresa’s criminal record is the nuclear option that can end any single argument, provided you can withstand the fallout.
  9. Episode 5 Kiss My Peach
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Off the Deep End Well, that’s one way to leave a pool party.
  10. Episode 4 Redo and Rewind
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: A Malignant Rumor For supposedly not wanting to talk about her thing with Jackie anymore, Teresa sure does keep finding ways to bring up her thing with Jackie.
  11. Episode 3 Guys Gone Wild
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Blow a Casket This Jackie-Teresa situation is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an uncomprehending object.
  12. Episode 2 Licked Up and Down
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Dumb and Dumberererererer This is the problem with putting Teresa at the center of this show: She might bring drama, but it’s always at the expense of any intelligence.
  13. Episode 1 C U Next Tuesday?
    Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: Barking Up the Wrong Tre Trying to get logic out of Teresa Giudice is like asking a starfish if you can borrow a pen.
  1. Episode 13 Showdown in Smashville
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Finale Recap: Lowered Standards This might go down as the worst vacation in Real Housewives history.
  2. Episode 12 Lady Drama Mamas
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Having a Ball The trip to the recording studio might be the one of the worst group activities of all time.
  3. Episode 11 Nightmare in Nashvegas
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Welcome to Nastyville I am requesting hazard pay for what Teresa Giudice has done to my intellect, sanity, and goodwill for nearly a decade.
  4. Episode 10 The Horny Hungarians
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: We All Scream for Ice Cream One of the best things about watching Housewives is when the façade cracks, and we get to see these women’s real, tortured psychology.
  5. Episode 9 There’s No Crying in Softball
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: And You’re Out Teresa can’t understand that people bringing up the allegations against Luis is not the same as them making those allegations.
  6. Episode 8 Forest of Fury
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Fall Far From the Tree Who is Serena from Tenafly, and why haven’t we seen her if she’s so integral to this season’s plot?
  7. Episode 7 Allegation Aggravation
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Let the Good Times Scroll A somewhat boring episode that is boosted only by Luis’s intense love bombing.
  8. Episode 6 Bromance Breakup
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Nothing Compares to Dudes We’ve never had a bro-down like the one in tonight’s episode.
  9. Episode 5 Jersey Shore Showdown
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Fight Court Breaking down the winner of every horrible argument in tonight’s episode.
  10. Episode 4 Shady Down the Shore
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Are You Shore? Teresa made the Faustian bargain to share her life, her entire life, with the cameras. She can’t decide now that some things are off-limits.
  11. Episode 3 A Very Jersey Kegger
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: I Smell a Frat Sure, the season is still young, but it’s concerning that RHONJ is seriously lacking sustainable sources of drama.
  12. Episode 2 House of Hypocrisy
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: An Affair to Remember RHONJ has become great once again with a cast that hasn’t changed in four seasons.
  13. Episode 1 Smoke, Mirrors and Foggy Diamonds
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: Into the Shallow End Finally, something to fight about that doesn’t require digging through group texts or Instagram comments.
  1. Episode 15 Flappers of Fury
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Finale Recap: Irish Good-byes Considering everything Teresa has put her through, it’s a miracle Melissa even finished filming this season.
  2. Episode 14 Rat in the Street
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Luis, Luis, Oh No Time to wrap up everyone’s story lines ahead of Teresa’s wedding.
  3. Episode 13 Messes and Bridesmaid Dresses
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Hit the Showers Feel bad for Joe Giudice? Nice try, Bravo.
  4. Episode 12 Sláinte
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Hen Dos and Don’ts Is Ireland making the New Jersey wives act out of character?
  5. Episode 11 I Smell a Rat
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Guinness World Records If we’re sick of watching the same fight over and over again, imagine how tired Melissa is of living the same fight over and over again.
  6. Episode 10 The Italian Invasion
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Dublin Down The Housewives are in Ireland. So close to me and they didn’t even call!
  7. Episode 9 Coffee Talk
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Grounds for Dismissal Why won’t the show tell us what is going on with the people who are on this show?
  8. Episode 8 Pizza Gate
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Pizza Pie in the Eye Teresa is wrong for the billionth time, but what else is new?
  9. Episode 7 Shots and Shade
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Shore Losers It wouldn’t be a party at Missy G’s if someone didn’t storm out at the end of the night.
  10. Episode 6 All Bats Are Off
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Sacrifice Flies The RHONJ charity softball game is back!
  11. Episode 5 Driving Miss Crazy
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Come On, Barbie, Let’s Go Party Rachel and Danielle take center stage and prove to be welcome additions to RHONJ.
  12. Episode 4 Housewarming History Lesson
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: House Cooling Maybe Jennifer would have more support if she weren’t wrong so often. Sadly, we’ll never know.
  13. Episode 3 Boys Will Be Boys
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Should-ing the Bed We’re watching this family disintegrate because they’re hung up on the proper way to behave instead of figuring out what’s best for them.
  14. Episode 2 Family, Family, Family
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Pass the Cheese The housewives need to make up and move on already.
  15. Episode 1 New Friends, Same Jersey
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: New Dogs, Old Tricks New Jersey is back with all its old beefs and maybe a new curse?
  1. Episode 13 When All Is Said and Done
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Finale Recap: The End of the Line The epic finale we were promised may end up being New Jersey’s Last Supper.
  2. Episode 12 Don’t Trial This At Home
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Like a House on Fire The symbolism here is so obvious that even Teresa can grasp it.
  3. Episode 11 Sleepover With One Eye Open
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Autopiloting and Altercating Jen’s sandwich sounds so much more appealing than this trench warfare.
  4. Episode 10 Inner Piece of My Mind
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Green With Envy These women are now just concocting reasons why the people on the other side suck.
  5. Episode 9 Behind Frenemy Lines
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Failure to Relaunch What is Jenf’s strategy here, and why is she so bad at playing it?
  6. Episode 8 Trouble in Tulum
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Push Comes to Shove These women are at war, and in their determination to destroy one another, they will destroy the entire show.
  7. Episode 7 Gifts & Receipts
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: House Lukewarming Jackie is now interpreting things like Teresa, taking innocuous comments out of context for ammunition.
  8. Episode 6 Margs & Marriage
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Stand Up, Sit Down, Fight, Fight, Fight Teresa’s rules only apply to her — and only if they help whatever stupid argument she’s currently making.
  9. Episode 5 Glitz & Blitz
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Bad and Bougie How the hell are we going to get out of this mess?
  10. Episode 4 A League of Their Own Worst Enemy
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Playing Hardball If there is a low road, Teresa will not just choose it, she’ll find a way to tunnel beneath it.
  11. Episode 3 Shore-ing Up Sides
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Valley of the Blow-Up Dolls This is really a show about a group of guy friends and their wives who hate one another.
  12. Episode 2 The Icing on the Brain Cake
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Shore Things The Gorga/Giudice feud is getting way too ornate.
  13. Episode 1 Birthday Bombshell
    The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season-Premiere Recap: Double-Headed Monster It’s only been one episode and Teresa’s behavior has already dragged the season into name-calling and shouting.

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