The Gown Hunter

Photo: Victor Prado/New York Magazine

Molly Guy, Owner of Stone Fox Bride

What sets Stone Fox Bride apart from other bridal boutiques?
I like to say that we have a slumber party for an hour and a half. Our shoes are off, we laugh, we cry, we try stuff on. It’s pretty fun. We’ve also collaborated with ready-to-wear designers like Daryl K, Ohne Titel, and Wren, who create designs exclusively for us. This year, we are launching two in-house lines: Stone Fox Bride Gown is a higher-end collection, starting around $2,500, and Fox is designed with destination weddings in mind. It’s more of a throw-the-dress-in-a-duffel-and-hop-on-the-plane collection, starting around $800. Nothing is too precious, but everything is beautifully constructed, a bit abstract, and very Stone Foxy.

Describe a “Stone Foxy” bride.
She has real style, and, by that, I don’t mean that she reads Vogue. She knows what she likes, and it’s manifested in all areas of her life—from the books she reads to the people she hangs out with. She’s intrigued by the spiritual component of getting married. It’s not just about finding the dress.

That’s interesting, coming from a dress shop.
We aren’t just going to throw a couple of dresses at you. We want to know who you’re influenced by and who we need to accommodate, whether it’s financial, or it’s a piece of heirloom jewelry you need to wear. In the end, the look will be beautiful and have elements of raw, authentic coolness and style.

What do brides want most in a dress?
Any woman, regardless of how edgy or downtown her style is, wants to look skinny and pretty on her wedding day. We have a questionnaire that all of our clients fill out before they come in for an appointment. The last question is, “When my ex sees my wedding photos on Facebook, I want him or her to think: “Wow, she looks _______!” Every woman’s answer is “hot.” It’s all women want.

Which trends do you love right now?
A traditional veil and pretty flats instead of heels.

You have T-shirts on your website that say, “Fuck Weddings.” What’s that about?
It’s a reminder to have fun and not take it too seriously. Dress shopping doesn’t need to be a production. It’s not going to drive you crazy. This is not Say Yes to the Dress.

Illustration by Jim Mezei

“Go to Manhattan Wardrobe Supply in the garment district. It carries everything a bride may need from sewing kits to stain removers to nipple covers.”


The Gown Hunter