Travel steamer
$79.99 at Gracious Home, 45 W. 25th St., nr. Sixth Ave.; 212-414-5710
Jiffy’s two-pound wrinkle eliminator is as useful on your wedding day as it is in a hotel bungalow in Bali.

Fuji XP30
$239.95 at Macy’s, 151 W. 34th St., at Broadway; 212-695-4400.
A digital camera that can take a beating: It resists water, shock, cold, and dust.

Folding keyboard
$99 at Dijital Fix, 218 Bedford Ave., nr. N. 5th St., Williamsburg; 877-345-4349
Hook this up to your iPad for easy en-route trip-blogging.

Carry-on bag
$190 at Flight 001, 96 Greenwich Ave., nr. W. 12th St.; 212-989-0001; maxwellsilverny.com
Hideo Wakamatsu’s water-resistant luggage can be cinched to accommodate tight spaces.