Photographs by Danny Kim

Mr. Boddington’s Studio “Talley and Zach,” $1,200 for 100 menus (mrboddington.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Regas NY “Sinclair and Isaiah,” $1,965 for a suite of 100 (regasny.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Spark Letterpress “Daphne and Neil,” $2,700 for a suite of 100 (letterpresslove.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Swiss Cottage Designs “Lauren and Jason,” $900 for 100 save-the-dates (swisscottagedesigns.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Rifle Paper Co. “Katherine and Benjamin,” from $1,400 for a suite of 100 (riflepaperco.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Love vs. Design “April and Jacob,” from $170 for 100 save-the-dates and from $220 for 100 invites (lovevsdesign.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Swiss Cottage Designs “Kelly and Sean,” $625 for 100 scratch-off save-the-dates (swisscottagedesigns.com). Photo: Danny Kim

Swiss Cottage Designs “Lacey and Flynn,” $1,800 for a suite of 100 (swisscottagedesigns.com). Photo: Danny Kim