For soul-searching fitness groupies:
The Class, 291 Broadway, nr. Duane St.; theclasswithtt.com; $30 per class.
Veteran fitness instructor Taryn Toomey tells everyone in her aerobics-cum-strength-training hybrid (known as “the class”) to close their eyes as they go through cardiovascular moves like squats and hops and on-the-mat toning sequences. Students are encouraged to take deep breaths to get through tough muscle-working moments, and there are exercises dedicated to shaking it all out—both physically and mentally.
For low-key spin enthusiasts:
AQUA Studio, 78 Franklin St., nr. Church St.; 212-966-6784; $40 per class.
Spin classes have a reputation for blaring music and screaming instructors, but there’s a soothing, spalike quality to AQUA Studio’s in-water cycling class. Forty-five-minute sessions are done on bikes submerged in 84-degree swimming pools, with upbeat tunes playing in the background. Expect to reap physical and mental benefits: The water resistance created by your pedaling combats cellulite, while the lapping sounds counteract stress.
For zen-minded jocks:
Circuit of Change, 57 W. 16th St., nr. Sixth Ave.; 212-255-0053; $27 per class.
No one will tell you to “get down and give me twenty” at this Chelsea boot-camp class founded and led by Brian Delmonico. The former Ironman, who is trained in both the martial-arts technique Muay Thai and yoga, has a decidedly gentle vibe. His hour-long sessions incorporate body-shredding kickboxing and push-ups with calming child’s poses and meditative breathing. “We’re constantly pushing positivity,” Delmonico says.
For those in need of some TLC:
IntenSati, taught at various Equinox gym locations satilife.com; monthly memberships vary.
A combination of kickboxing, dance, and interval training, intenSati is said to burn up to 800 calories per class—all in the name of self-love. Angsty New Yorkers flock to the various Equinox gyms where founder Patricia Moreno presides, leading the group in life-affirming chants. (“I have what it takes.”) Inspiring music is mixed in throughout the class, while ten minutes of deep breathing cap things off.
For yogis looking to sweat:
Power Yoga at the Lyon’s Den, 279 Church St., nr. White St.; 646-490-8888; $24 per class.
This Tribeca studio is the only one in the city to teach Baptiste Yoga classes, which borrow the 90-degree rooms of the Bikram method but offer a fast-paced approach focused on the breath-to-movement connection. The 90-minute “Journey to Power” class combines posture and alignment basics with negativity-releasing meditations, where brides-to-be can get rid of whatever issues they’re dealing with—bossy mothers-in-law included.