Maggie Fremont Author Archive

Maggie Fremont


Maggie Fremont is a freelance writer who’s been covering TV and film since 2014. Her work can be found on Vulture, Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide, and various other outlets.

  1. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: Pressure ReliefI was rooting for you, Langdon! We were all rooting for you!
  2. overnights
    The Man Who Kept the Secrets
    Paradise Season-Finale Recap: Don’t Sleep on Those Cheese FriesThe final chapter of season one pulls off the impossible by making Cal’s death sadder than it already was.
  3. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: Cheap ShotsIt’s Dana’s episode to shine, comforting the staff and de-escalating when mothers are fighting over … wearing masks.
  4. overnights
    The Day
    Paradise Recap: The Man Who Saved the WorldIn the retelling of the End of the World, Paradise turns itself into a thrilling, relentless, deeply unsettling disaster movie.
  5. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: Just One of Those DaysThis episode is so traumatic, and I should get hazard pay for this job.
  6. overnights
    In The Palaces of Crowned Kings
    Paradise Recap: Making a SceneI fear Gabriela is actually a terrible therapist.
  7. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: Have You Seen Our Sad Boy?Robby is certainly making a real meal out of letting his emotional baggage loose in the workplace.
  8. overnights
    Paradise Recap: They’re Lying to YouOur cutie president had a rough few days leading up to his death.
  9. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: Hospital MomHeather’s mysterious pains, secret pregnancy, and ongoing teen abortion drama seem to be setting us up for something tragic, huh?
  10. overnights
    Paradise Recap: A Complicated ManIt feels impossible to be so attached to Billy already that this development could be so heartbreaking.
  11. overnights
    Paradise Series-Premiere Recap: The Great Seam in the SkyDid you watch Hulu’s new Dan Fogelman show thinking you were getting a straight political thriller? Guess again.
  12. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: A Tale of Two IntubationsSo much blood in this episode! That blood blister with the hidden artery underneath? Very gross, no thank you!!
  13. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: The Four Most Important ThingsDr. Robby’s bedside manner knows no bounds.
  14. overnights
    Outlander Season-Finale Recap: You Gotta Have FaithWho knew that someone singing a song would be such a shattering twist?
  15. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: A Moment to ProcessIt’s growing harder to invest in a lot of the patients coming in when there are so many and we barely get to learn their names before moving on.
  16. secrets and lies
    "Younger" Ep. 506 (Airs 7/17/18)
    How Everyone on Younger Discovered Liza’s SecretA complete timeline of how publishing’s worst-kept secret was revealed.
  17. overnights
    The Pitt Recap: Physician Heal ThyselfThis shift is already a doozy and it’s barely begun.
  18. overnights
    The Pitt Series-Premiere Recap: So Happy to Be HereLike the newbies arriving for their very first shift, we get dropped right into the chaos of “the pit” and are expected to keep up.
  19. overnights
    Outlander Recap: It Will Not Be TodayWho can blame Claire for having a bit of an existential crisis leading up to the Battle of Monmouth?
  20. overnights
    Outlander Recap: The Frasers Take A PrisonerOutlander is working hard to make William happen in season seven, and at this point, I just do not think it’s going to happen.
  21. best of 2024
    The Weepiest TV Moments of 2024Sobbing over a television show is a gift, and these are the cries we’re most grateful for.
  22. overnights
    Outlander Recap: How I Met My FatherSometimes, you can forget Outlander is a fantasy series, but this week, the show uses the time travel of it all to its storytelling advantage.
  23. overnights
    Outlander Recap: A Funny Way to Say Thank YouOutlander gives us one of the most unhinged sequences on television as Jamie and Claire “reunite,” and Lord John Grey runs for his life.
  24. overnights
    No Good Deed Finale Recap: Cracking the CaseAs nice as it is to see the Morgan family make peace with one another, watching them get revenge on Margo is even better.
  25. overnights
    No Good Deed Recap: Cracking the CaseMaybe covering up another murder was finally what Paul and Lydia needed to get honest with each other.
  26. overnights
    No Good Deed Recap: Fathers & Sons & Uncles & NephewsPaul’s refusal to be honest with his family is putting them in peril.
  27. overnights
    No Good Deed Recap: An Evening Out With FriendsMargo will stop at nothing to get the Derby house, including orchestrating the double date from hell.
  28. overnights
    No Good Deed Recap: Dead InsideIt’s incredible how bad the Morgans are at murder.
  29. overnights
    No Good Deed Recap: It’s Giving CartelWho would have thought that Ray Romano and Matt Rogers would make for such a complementary comedic duo?
  30. overnights
    No Good Deed Recap: On Truth, Lies, and RolexesWhat happened in the Morgan house seems way too obvious this early in the season.
  31. overnights
    No Good Deed Series-Premiere Recap: The House on Derby DriveLisa Kudrow and Ray Romano are in a mysterious hurry to get rid of their Los Feliz house in Liz Feldman’s latest Netflix dark comedy.
  32. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Series-Finale Recap: Here’s To LivingSomebody Somewhere caps off its perfect run, reminding us just how much Sam and friends have grown by supporting and challenging each other.
  33. overnights
    Outlander Recap: Introducing the Lady GreyWhy make a whole Claire-Lord John thing if they’re not going to let it be a thing for more than a second?
  34. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Recap: Why Don’t You Just Try?Nothing will annihilate your self-esteem like getting ready for a first date.
  35. overnights
    Outlander Recap: Lost At SeaWho would have thought that Claire would make such a lousy spy?
  36. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Recap: The Joel Anderson EffectJoel gets Sam to put herself out there again despite Sam’s penchant for giving up on herself because that’s the magic of Anderson.
  37. overnights
    Outlander Midseason-Premiere Recap: Back to LallybrochOutlander is finally back … only for everyone to say bittersweet good-byes? Funny, funny stuff.
  38. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Recap: Did You Manifest That?The Miller sisters get up close and personal in an episode that shows just how much they’ve come to rely on each other.
  39. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Recap: Getting Real CutieNothing like your best friend picking you up after you’ve been dragged through hell.
  40. more treasure more problems
    The Most Outer Banks Things to Happen in Season 4Our favorite surfing teens take on a new treasure hunt, a new creepy adult, and major shakeups to the group.
  41. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Recap: Are You Being Tender With Me?While we can see how lucky these people are to have Sam as a friend, she still very much cannot.
  42. overnights
    Somebody Somewhere Season-Premiere Recap: Hold the PepperIt feels right that this final season would give Sam one last big push to see the good that can come from living outside your comfort zone.
  43. case closed
    The Verdict Is in on The Lincoln Lawyer Season 3Let’s break down Mickey Haller’s latest victory and pop the trunk on what he’ll be facing next season.
  44. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Finale Recap: You Can’t Have BothIt’s a rom-com, so it’s legally bound to have a happy ending, but it’s not the finale we expected.
  45. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Waiting for the Right Mother-in-LawJoanne finally meets Noah’s mother and wins her over … sort of.
  46. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Soft Launching JudaismJoanne has so many opportunities to spiral out of control, but she gets a grip every time. We’re proud of her growth!
  47. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Recap: The Matzah Ballers Playoff RunGetting drunk at a basketball game will soften even the most hardened personalities, like Esther’s.
  48. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Recap: You Can’t Unsee Something Like ThatThis episode proves that Joanne and Morgan have inherited their unhinged vibes from their parents.
  49. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Courting the Youth VoteIs this relationship strong enough to withstand the opinions of teenagers? Is such strength even possible?
  50. overnights
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Be More ChillThere are worse first dates than going vibrator shopping and talking about your biggest fears.
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