Maggie Fremont is a freelance writer who’s been covering TV and film since 2014. Her work can be found on Vulture, Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide, and various other outlets.
The Pitt Recap: Hospital MomHeather’s mysterious pains, secret pregnancy, and ongoing teen abortion drama seem to be setting us up for something tragic, huh?
Paradise Recap: A Complicated ManIt feels impossible to be so attached to Billy already that this development could be so heartbreaking.
The Pitt Recap: A Moment to ProcessIt’s growing harder to invest in a lot of the patients coming in when there are so many and we barely get to learn their names before moving on.
Outlander Recap: How I Met My FatherSometimes, you can forget Outlander is a fantasy series, but this week, the show uses the time travel of it all to its storytelling advantage.
Outlander Recap: A Funny Way to Say Thank YouOutlander gives us one of the most unhinged sequences on television as Jamie and Claire “reunite,” and Lord John Grey runs for his life.