the body politic
Sept. 16, 2020
Trump Is Dying to Run Against a ‘Nasty Woman’ Again And he’s not wasting any time getting right down to it.
the body politic
Aug. 17, 2020
Sixty Seconds to Self-Sabotage The DNC’s choice of who to feature speaks volumes about the party’s inability to see its own future.
the body politic
Aug. 6, 2020
Biden’s Fantasy of Female Submission The Democrats have completely botched this VP pick.
the body politic
July 24, 2020
The Poison of Male Incivility When a woman dares respond to it, she’s seen as “disruptive.”
‘We Saw This Problem Coming’ Lauren Underwood, the youngest Black woman to ever serve in Congress, on remote legislating during a pandemic.
the body politic
June 12, 2020
Racism Doesn’t Blink The public performance of white supremacy is key to upholding it.
the body politic
June 5, 2020
‘We’ve Seen Our City Set Ablaze’ Ilhan Omar on the fight against structural racism and injustice, and how the Congressional Black Caucus can move us forward.
the body politic
June 3, 2020
Don’t Call It Rioting Maxine Waters on the history of protest and the language of insurrection.
Surviving It All She’s 92, made it through the Holocaust, and set off for a cruise around the world in February.
The Biden Trap As the candidate faces credible assault allegations, his progressive female colleagues are being offered a poisoned chalice.
Your Pissing Contest Is a Travesty De Blasio, Cuomo, and Trump just can’t help themselves as the world burns.
Mar. 24, 2020
How Far-Right Media Is Weaponizing Coronavirus They’re attacking the left about “PC culture” — arguing that they are more worried about Trump’s racist phrasing for the virus than the virus itself.
This Is How the Establishment Maintains Its Grip It gets ideological allies to replicate its attitudes and aim them at each other.
the body politic
Feb. 26, 2020
‘You Believe He’s Lying?’ How the latest debate captured Americans’ exhausting tendency to mistrust women.
Feb. 18, 2020
The Immoderate Susan Collins After a long career voting across the aisle, why did the Maine senator gamble her legacy on Trump?
The Immoderate Susan Collins After a long career voting across the aisle, why did the Maine senator gamble her legacy on Trump?
the body politic
Jan. 14, 2020
The Third Rail of Calling ‘Sexism’ Warren tried not to talk about it.
the body politic
Dec. 11, 2019
Can You Spot the Fake? Hint: Look at the pundits.
terrible bosses
Nov. 21, 2019
Why Do We Lionize Bad Bosses? In this climate of reassessment, what of the legendarily awful boss?
the body politic
Nov. 15, 2019
the body politic
Oct. 24, 2019
the body politic
Oct. 11, 2019
Ronan Farrow Depicts a Chilling Cover-up at NBC The same people who let abuses happen are still running the show.
the body politic
Sept. 30, 2019
The Toll of Me Too Assessing the costs for those who came forward.
the body politic
Sept. 12, 2019
How I Learned to (Try to) Stop Asking Female Candidates About Sexism There’s still no good way to talk about the experience of having had bias, prejudice, and discrimination work against you.
the body politic
Aug. 6, 2019
Talking Teaching With Elizabeth Warren, the Most Professorial Candidate Ever She has been instructing students since she was 8 years old. But does America want to be taught?
the body politic
July 3, 2019
the body politic
June 27, 2019
Why Are the Democrats’ Bad Men Refusing to Step Down? They’ve learned all the wrong lessons from Republicans.
the body politic
May 23, 2019
Breaking: Nobody Knows What’s Going to Happen in 2020 We’ve never had candidates like this before, and anyone who tells you they know what’s happening just doesn’t.
the body politic
May 17, 2019
the body politic
Apr. 14, 2019
Mom vs. Dad on the Road to 2020 The cruel double standard at the heart of American politics.
the body politic
Mar. 29, 2019
Joe Biden Isn’t the Answer The problem with his long history of being That Guy.
the body politic
Mar. 29, 2019
Joe Biden Isn’t the Answer The problem with his long history of being That Guy.
the body politic
Mar. 17, 2019
Stacey Abrams Has a Big Decision to Make Governor? Senator? Veep? President?! The Georgian who is usually sure about everything finds herself conflicted about her future.
Calvin Trillin on True Love and Being a Good Man Visiting the writer for a conversation about his new play, About Alice .
the body politic
Jan. 17, 2019
Don’t Give Up on the Women’s March The movement must transcend its organizers.
the body politic
Dec. 19, 2018
The Imagined Threat of a Woman Who Governs Like a Man The very idea of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez using her power has the men in Washington running scared.
Barbara Lee Talks Iraq, Poverty, and Getting a Seat at the Table “When I’m in the room and nobody else that looks like me is in the room, it makes a big difference,” says the House’s lefty conscience.
Barbara Lee Talks Iraq, Poverty, and Getting a Seat at the Table “When I’m in the room and nobody else that looks like me is in the room, it makes a big difference,” says the House’s lefty conscience.
the body politic
Nov. 7, 2018
The New Face of Power Is Taking Shape While the midterms were a step forward, the fight for true representation wages on.
the body politic
Oct. 28, 2018
The Ruling Minority Will Stop at Nothing to Stay in Control Which is why we need to pick ourselves up and keep fighting.
the body politic
Oct. 6, 2018
The Road to Progress Is Paved With Pain Despite this loss, we must not lose the moral fortitude to fight.
further reading
Oct. 2, 2018
The Books That Inspired Rebecca Traister’s Good and Mad Including a surprise appearance by Andrea Dworkin, plus two books the author wishes she’d read before finishing her own.
the body politic
Sept. 27, 2018
What a Good Boy In the end, Brett Kavanaugh proved that he’s exactly what Republicans want for the Supreme Court.
the body politic
Sept. 24, 2018
When the Muzzle Comes Off Even if Kavanaugh prevails, women are expanding the boundaries of what kinds of stories must be taken seriously.
the body politic
Sept. 17, 2018
the body politic
Sept. 9, 2018
the body politic
Aug. 28, 2018
Too Much, Too Soon Louis C.K. and Matt Lauer are as clueless as ever about the women they’ve hurt.
Elizabeth Warren Is Waging a Full-Body Fight to Defeat Trump The Massachusetts senator has emerged in the past few weeks as the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, and the candidate-of-the-moment for 2020.
Elizabeth Warren Is Waging a Full-Body Fight to Defeat Trump The Massachusetts senator has emerged in the past few weeks as the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, and the candidate-of-the-moment for 2020.
the supreme court
July 9, 2018
With Brett Kavanaugh, Trump Passes Up Chance to Have a Woman Do His Dirty Work Nominating a woman to repeal Roe v. Wade would have been canny and dastardly. But it’s no surprise that he went with a white man instead.
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