the body politic
June 29, 2018
Summer of Rage White men are the minority in the United States — no wonder they get uncomfortable when their power is challenged.
the body politic
June 27, 2018
Cages, ‘Infestations,’ and the Demonization of Immigrants A conversation between Rebecca Traister and Ai-jen Poo of the Domestic Workers Alliance.
the body politic
June 4, 2018
Time’s Up, Bill Is Bill Clinton the only one who doesn’t realize he needs to join the #MeToo reckoning?
the body politic
May 31, 2018
Samantha Bee and the War of Words Is language a weapon? Depends who you’re fighting for.
the body politic
Feb. 6, 2018
No One Is Silencing Katie Roiphe #MeToo has started a robust, complicated conversation — whether or not she’s listening.
the body politic
Feb. 1, 2018
women in politics
Jan. 19, 2018
10 Women Running for Office to Watch in 2018 Expect to hear much more about these candidates this year.
women in politics
Jan. 19, 2018
the body politic
Dec. 10, 2017
the body politic
Nov. 21, 2017
Rebecca Traister and Ross Douthat Debate the Post-Weinstein Moment’s Lessons A conversation about liberal versus conservative pigs, structural ways to address harassment, and why some men feel compelled to behave this way.
the body politic
Nov. 12, 2017
We Are All Implicated in the Post-Weinstein Reckoning As stories about abuse, assault, and complicity come flooding out, how do we think about the culprits in our lives? Including, sometimes, ourselves.
the body politic
Oct. 27, 2017
Our National Narratives Are Still Being Shaped by Lecherous, Powerful Men Weinstein, Halperin, Wieseltier, Toback. The stories keep on coming and there is no sign of a pause; there are indications that it is just beginning.
new york 50th anniversary
Oct. 24, 2017
Discovering How Power Works in Publishing I was learning that the power wielded within this small subset of wealthy New Yorkers was built on structures, connections, access, and proximity.
the body politic
Oct. 19, 2017
The Conversation We Should Be Having Sharing stories isn’t enough to stop another Weinstein.
the body politic
Oct. 5, 2017
the body politic
Sept. 27, 2017
Elizabeth Warren Is Getting Hillary-ed And it’s a lot more complicated than sexism.
the body politic
Sept. 15, 2017
Hillary Clinton Is Finally Expressing Anger. Why Does That Make Everyone Mad? What makes What Happened unusual and unusually valuable is that in it, Clinton is doing something she was not free to do during the election.
Sept. 15, 2017
Michael Friedman, Remembered by His Friends and Collaborators The composer and lyricist died on September 8 at age 41 from complications due to HIV/AIDS.
the body politic
June 23, 2017
Ossoff’s Loss Has a Silver Lining for Democrats The emergence of a new game plan, from persuasion to motivation.
the body politic
June 19, 2017
the body politic
June 17, 2017
What the Bill Cosby Mistrial Tells Us About Power in America in 2017 Is the kind wielded by men like him — and Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly — under threat, or stronger than ever?
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Surreal Post-Election Life With nothing left to lose, she is finally free to really speak her mind.
the body politic
Apr. 19, 2017
Andrew Cuomo’s New Promise to Women: Infertility Protection Insurance companies will now be banned from excluding same-sex or single parents from infertility coverage.
the body politic
Apr. 5, 2017
Of Course Trump Thinks Bill O’Reilly Did Nothing Wrong His defense of the Fox News host reinforces his message that white men rule.
the body politic
Mar. 16, 2017
the body politic
Jan. 31, 2017
Trump’s Nightmare: Women Opposing Him From Kamala Harris to Sally Yates, they’re on the front lines of the fight.
cut cover story
Jan. 23, 2017
The Future of the Left Is Female Women’s rights are human rights, and women leaders are progressive leaders.
women’s march 2017
Jan. 20, 2017
The Complicated, Controversial, Historic, Inspiring Women’s March The movement survives not in spite of its cacophony, but because of it.
the body politic
Jan. 17, 2017
Fake News and Why Doctors Lie About Abortion The consequences of bad information about women’s health.
the body politic
Dec. 11, 2016
Blaming Clinton’s Base for Her Loss Is the Ultimate Insult The women and people of color who have the most to lose under Trump are receiving the lion’s share of the fault for our recent national cataclysm.
election 2016
Nov. 12, 2016
Hillary Clinton
Didn’t Shatter the Glass Ceiling. This Is What Broke Instead. The coalition she thought would pierce it — and faith that it will happen — are in pieces.
election 2016
Oct. 25, 2016
The Female Politician Trying to Turn Georgia Blue Stacey Abrams, Georgia’s Democratic House Minority Leader, on why Georgia is a test case for the rest of the United States.
the body politic
Oct. 13, 2016
the body politic
Oct. 10, 2016
Trump’s One Public Service Was Exposing the Misogyny of the GOP This weekend, Trump went down in a blaze of revelation, tying his own outsize loutishness to the everyday misogyny of his party.
Bruce Springsteen’s Memoir Beautifully Dissects His Own Masculinity What Born to Run has to say about the Boss’s relationship to gender.
How Important Is the First Presidential Debate? New York’s political team weighs in on what could happen on the first showdown between these two opponents.
Donald Trump’s New Anti-Abortion Letter Should Terrify You He wants to return women to secondary status, unable to exert control over their own bodies.
the body politic
Sept. 15, 2016
Ivanka Trump Is Lying About Both Candidates’ Records on Family Leave She had trouble under even mild scrutiny, and instead revealed herself as just as defensive and dishonest as her father.
Stop Trying to Make Anthony Weiner’s Sexting a Political Issue Yesterday was one of the dumbest days of the presidential campaign — a high bar!
the body politic
Aug. 7, 2016
Hillary Poised to Make the ‘Impossible Possible’ Her very presence on the stage tonight was a testament to the speed (and difficulty) with which the world has changed.
democratic national convention
July 27, 2016
Clinton Is First Man to Give First Lady Speech Taking a cue from Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton signaled that he’s ready for the role of the brilliant and hugely overqualified presidential helpmate.
democratic national convention
July 26, 2016
‘C’mon, Man’: The Joe Biden Story Scenes from a vice-presidential presser in Philly.
early and often
July 26, 2016
Michelle Obama Elegantly Eviscerated Trump It wasn’t just one of the most ingenious convention speeches ever given by a political spouse, it was one of the finest convention speeches, period.
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