The somehow still at-large hacker known as Guccifer — of George W. Bush paintings fame — continued his assault on the rich and famous yesterday with Sex and the City writer Candance Bushnell, exposing not only the first 50 pages of her new book, but also the complete scope of her team’s technological bewilderment. After gaining access to Bushnell’s Earthlink e-mail account (which is not much better than AOL) and Twitter, where Guccifer posted a link to the unreleased work, the mysterious pest updated an as of yet untouched Google Drive page with the author’s panicked messages as they happened. “i know NOTHING about this but my husband thinks you can cancel a tweet but doesn’t know how to do it,” Bushnell’s associate* wrote in an e-mail titled “emergency!” followed by Bushnell’s response: “Oh dear, this is terrible.” It’s like a commercial for Gmail.
*Correction: The initial e-mail about deleting the hacked tweets was sent by Deb Futter of Grand Central Publishing.