Weird weather be damned: If the skies haven’t managed to blanket New York in white—or even if they have—by February 9, at least we can bundle everyone up and trudge over to Central Park’s third annual Winter Jam. Snow guns and air compressors (lent by Gore Mountain) hooked up to city hydrants will create a snowfield for all sorts of icy activities. Keep little fingers crossed that the mercury is low; the colder it is, the more snow there will be, and the final pile could cover up to one and a half acres with snow three feet deep. (If the temperature climbs above 45 degrees, some activities might be canceled.) The crowning glory of this powdery extravaganza will be the park’s first-ever snow flume, an 80-foot-long, two-story structure for snowboarders, sledders, and skiers alike to barrel down. BYO skis and snowshoes or borrow—free, in both adult and toddler sizes—from the Parks Department. (Sledders are asked to bring only soft-edged gear—no metal runners.) “New York City doesn’t really have hills,” notes Trish Bertuccio, press officer. “There’s no place to ski on Manhattan Island.” Imagine—a family ski trip with no driving! Those who prefer cross-country to elevation can do a 500-foot rink-style loop along the Sheep Meadow, on the Dead Road and back. Then everyone can meet up in the warming hut for hot chocolate and enjoy live music. Start checking Weather.com compulsively now.
2/9, noon to 4 p.m. Naumburg Bandshell and Mall Concert Ground, mid-park from 66th to 72nd St. (212-360-1319 or nyc.gov/parks); free.