What do you do?
I was an art student for a year, and then I decided to save money to travel around the world. I’m leaving in September, but for now I’m a nanny for Lily, who is 3 and lives on Bleecker Street. At the end of the day, I go across the street and work at the Magnolia Bakery.
Which job do you prefer?
Being a nanny is really rewarding, but helping people with their sugar craving is really rewarding, too. They come in so crazed. You’d think there were drugs in the cupcakes.
Is that your dog? No. Shamba belongs to the family I nanny for. She’s about ten years old and moves really slowly. It takes us fifteen minutes to go one block.
Have you read The Nanny Diaries?
It’s funny because it’s all so true. I was a nanny on Martha’s Vineyard once, and it’s a very weird dynamic when you live with a family. And I’m learning quite a lot.
Like what?
Like that I don’t want to live in New York City. And how to be patient. I don’t think I had much patience before.
Where do you want to live?
I’m from northern Vermont, and to me, childhood was like a dream: We had 50 acres in the woods. I used to think, living up there, that I was a city girl at heart, but now I don’t think that’s true.
How would you describe your style?
I wear a lot of colors and layers. This skirt is from when I was living in Savannah and I fell into that whole art-school-hippie mode.
Has being a nanny changed your style?
I’m always covered in drool and glue, so I usually wear sweats and stuff. But today I’m sort of high from the weather, so I did dress up, and it makes me feel amazing.