Vonn Jackson, Phone Operator

Photo: Jake Chessum

What do you do?
My real job is as a phone operator for Kaplan Test Prep. But I’m also a singer and aspiring songwriter. And a swimsuit model. That’s about it. Oh, I’m in school, too. I’m an audio engineer. I do Web design.

How do you describe your style?
I’m trendy, I think, but I don’t like to wear what everyone else has. I try to go left if everyone else goes right, you know?

Where did you get this outfit?
The sandals are that whole Roman thing, but somehow when I wear them with the hat, they take on a cowgirl effect. I got the dress from Strawberry’s and the hat at Target, but we call it “Tarjay” where I come from.

Where do you come from?
East New York. It’s Brooklyn, but it’s more like Queens, except that it’s not Queens.

Whose style do you admire?
Gwen Stefani. Whoever her stylist is, I love you.

What kind of singer are you?
I have songs up on MySpace. I would say it’s R&B—if I had to compare myself to anyone, it would be a mix between Brandy and Aaliyah. I’m soft and sultry.

What about the swimsuit modeling?
How many times can you take a picture in a swimsuit and not get bored? I like doing stuff better. I used to do music videos and extra parts in movies.

Any summer plans?
The beach is cool. I usually try to go somewhere different every year. I went to Puerto Rico this year; last year it was Jamaica and the Bahamas. Other than that, I’m just going to eat barbecue, party a bit, and pay the bills.

Vonn Jackson, Phone Operator