How did you get into modeling?
I worked at Starbucks for a while, and another guy there used to be a model, sort of. He told me I should try out. The first agency I went to was called ReQuest, and they just picked me up, I guess.
Do you like it?
Well, sometimes it requires you to do things that you would only do in your bathroom by yourself. Which is not hard, it’s just something to get used to. For me, right now it’s the right idea. I’m sorry, I can be really abstract sometimes.
What do you mean?
Well, I’m more of a student than a model. I like it for the traveling and stuff. I did this shoot for L’Uomo Vogue that was probably the biggest thing I’ve done. They didn’t pay me at all because they said it’s more helpful for me than for anyone else, I guess. They said that was their “payment.”
What do you study?
I go to Baruch, and I’m undeclared. Maybe I’ll do advertising or something.
When did you dye your hair?
That was for a magazine called Pop in London. It was sort of a Japanese-inspired editorial.
Do you like it?
I think it makes me look intimidating and unapproachable. It seems like it’s a given that having this hair makes me some kind of an asshole—or maybe just an outcast. My friends say it makes me look better.
How do you describe your style?
I just go to H&M. I try to be simple because there are a lot of things to worry about other than clothing. Like work. Relationships. School. But everyone’s vain to a certain degree, so I guess it’s really about being as simple and comfortable as possible, but at the same time looking all right.