Nils Asmussen
Student, Hamburg, Germany
Shot outside the Empire State Building
What are you doing today?
I am waiting for the Heartland Brewery to open. I am bringing my girlfriend lots of American beer when I go home.
Do you get lost much?
Yes and no. Usually, I want to go to a place, but on my way I see something interesting. Then I go to visit this new place. And I never regret it. But the subway system is confusing. The subway does not stop at every station. I would suggest more subway maps at the subway station and also more public street maps in lower Manhattan. There is no easy system there with avenues and streets.

Antonia Niecke
Student, Hamburg, Germany
Shot at the South Street Seaport
What are you doing today?
Just sightseeing with my soccer club. We’ve been traveling around the U.S. playing soccer against the town clubs in Roanoke and Camden.
How did you do?
We mostly won all of the games. I wouldn’t say we were better than the Americans, because I have not played against every American, but it could be. We were definitely a little bit better, at least.
Where did you get the rabbit ears?
Over by the harbor before we took the boat to Ellis Island. I realized that I could be a Playboy bunny for Halloween, and also that they are just kind of funny.
What do you think of New York?
It is a little bit big and crazy. You can cross the street and find a totally different city. Here you have a homeless person sleeping on a bench, and then you turn a corner and there are very expensive shops.

From left:
Kelly McGraw
Nicole Garrison
Hamilton, New Jersey
Dana Greenawald
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Danielle Wilkinson
Marlton, New Jersey
Aspiring Models
Shot outside the Empire State Building
What brought you to New York?
KELLY: I’m here for a modeling convention.
How’s it going?
The hardest part is that you have to go to a lot of castings and you might not get a job. You have to have tough skin. It makes you a stronger person, which I guess in the end is good.
What are your dreams for modeling?
NICOLE: Definitely high-fashion runway. Europe is one of my biggest dreams.
What fashion do you love?
Dolce & Gabbana. And Versace’s definitely cool.
Do you have any of their things?
Not yet. But it is almost my 15th birthday.
What are you learning in modeling school?
DANA: Um, I learn how to handle agents and stuff, and how to talk to them, what to say, what not to say. How to walk and stuff like that. You have to always be positive, and no matter what, always smile, even if they don’t really like you.
Have you learned a lot about fashion since you started modeling?
DANIELLE: Definitely. I’m way more into the designers now. My favorite is Dolce & Gabbana, not that I have anything by them. I shop mainly at American Eagle.

Arnoldo and Charles Pozzi with their mother, Lizette
Students and Diplomat, Milan, Italy
Shot outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art
How do you find New York style?
CHARLES: American guys never wear anything fitted, which doesn’t make any sense to me.
Alexandre Houyvet
Intern, Paris, France
Shot at the South Street Seaport
What did you do with your summer?
I have been interning with John Varvatos, who I love!

Sento Biosca
Tattoo Artist, Valencia, Spain
Shot outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art
What have you been up to here?
I got a New York–inspired tattoo on my arm yesterday. It’s the Statue of Liberty’s torch.
Rebecca Williams
Student and EMT, New Orleans
Shot outside the Empire State Building.
What are your favorite things about New York?
There’s a four-level Toys ’R’ Us with a Candy Land inside! And McDonald’s delivers.

Daniel Goldsmith
Pedicab Driver.
Shot at Columbus Circle.
You’re not a tourist, but you are definitely a sight. Does your outfit attract extra business?
Some days, yes. Some days, no.
Aren’t you hot in there?
No! The thing is, I’m wearing a sixteen- gauge, very heavy steel that reflects the sun’s rays.
Nataliya Romanyuga
Exchange Student, Ukraine
Shot outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art
What are you doing today?
I am going to the museum with my friend. It’s my first time at the museum! They show the history of the whole entire world.

Joseph Casillas
Telemanager, Providence, Rhode Island
Shot outside the Today show, Rockefeller Plaza
Did you come all this way just to see Rihanna?
Of course! I left home at 8 P.M., got in about midnight, and got in line. I waited the whole night. When she played, though, it woke me right back up.
Mishy Turner
Student, Malibu, California
Shot at the South Street Seaport
What brings you to New York?
I was doing an acting program in Brooklyn.
Did you have fun here?
Oh, my God, yes! If New York were a boy, I would totally date him.

Barbara Smilie
Housewife, San Rafael, California
Shot outside the Today show, Rockefeller Plaza
Do you watch the Today show every single day?
I do. And I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager.
Are you sad that Katie left?
I am. I always appreciated that she is so upbeat, but I look forward to a new Today program because changes do occur in life, and they are almost always for the better.
What have you been up to?
Oh gosh, everything. If you can imagine, my teenage sons had never been here, and oh my gosh, do they love it. We got tickets to Spamalot and had so much fun that we went to The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and loved that, too. We’ve had New York pizza, and we took Gray Line tours everywhere in the rain with garbage bags over us. So much fun!

Bridgid Ryan
Translator/Chaperone, Philadelphia
Shot at Columbus Circle
What are you doing today?
I’m taking twenty Japanese kids to Soho. I’m a translator for them while they study at Fordham and at Harvard. It’s basically like Camp America, and I’m in charge.
How did you learn Japanese?
I was lucky enough to go to a school that taught Spanish from kindergarten on. I like to talk so much that in college I just decided I’d learn another language, and I lived in Tokyo for four months. It’s very useful knowing Japanese. I don’t know where I’m going with this, but it makes me realize what makes me me.
Where are you from?
Philadelphia. I just graduated from Penn State, and I’m sort of trying to get a job in New York. I’ve been spending a lot of time on Craigslist, and I’m reading Breakfast at Tiffany’s. A good friend has offered to take me all around the villages or boroughs or whatever you call them in New York because I have this dream of finding an apartment with the sun coming in where I can grow plants. And then I’ll get my library card and go to the grocery store.
How do you describe your style?
My grandmother told me once that I’m splashy. I don’t know how to take that. Living in Japan taught me a lot about mixing and matching and layering. I do like to act out in my dressing, you know, the pink hair and stuff. So I guess, to answer your question with one grandma-esque word, I’m splashy.