How do you describe your style?
You’re thinking that someone who looks like me deliberately does a certain style. I don’t.
Not at all?
I will tell you about the shoes that I’ve got. They’re called a. testoni, and they’re made in Bologna. They just had to close their store on Fifth Avenue. The rents, they go crazy. Regular price, they’re expensive. But I never pay regular price! At the going-out-of-business sale, they were 75 percent off! You gonna beat that?
Tell me about your mustache. When my son was very small he used to tease my daughter by saying, “I remember when Daddy had a beard.” My daughter begged me to grow it back. So I did, and now I’m stuck with it, much to her regret. I use the wax ’cause it’s wiry. I always think, When I die, they’ll lay me out in a casket, and who’s going to do my mustache?
What kind of lawyer are you?
God blessed me with a golden brain. To my knowledge, I am the only person who has worked both as a special prosecutor and a defense attorney at the same time.
Do you find that a suit makes you a better attorney?
If you pay attention to detail in your personal appearance, then your clients feel that you’re paying attention to detail in a case. I once found a knife behind a toilet bowl that everyone else had missed. See what I mean?