What kind of jewelry do you design?
My husband is really the main designer, and it’s all very seventies-punk-rock informed. Lots of Sex Pistols T-shirts, big boots, diamond jewelry. We’re doing lots of plastic jewelry, but we also have a separate line of pavé diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.
Have you seen Blood Diamond?
I haven’t, but I know about all that. We’re trying to use vintage diamonds that we take out of settings. But the real bulk of what we’re doing is plastic. And crazy.
Why so much emphasis on seventies punk rock?
Things that remind me of being a kid—like, Peter Max–y things—make me smile.

Is your personal style punk?
My style is more comfortable, I think. And actually, my husband buys a lot of it for me, like these striped leggings, which he got at Barneys and gave me for Christmas. The poncho was my mom’s, and it’s maternity. And today I’m wearing inappropriate shoes because it’s so hot where I work.
Why so hot?
The store is ground-level, but we do our work in the basement. The heater for the whole building is there, and we just bake.
Where did Kaia find her hat?
She’s very specific about her style. The hat’s from a place in Koreatown where they sell miniature dog clothes, Hello Kitty barrettes, and lollipops and stuff. She can pretty much get dressed by herself. She’s only 3. She’s really into pink, and she’s very into accessories.
What are you doing today?
I just picked her up at school, and we’re on our way to lunch at Ennju. It’s a sushi place, and it’s Kaia’s favorite restaurant.
Is she a big sushi fan?
Miso soup, mostly. And avocado sushi.