When are you due?
In a week! It’s my second child, so I’m pretty calm.
Are you sick of maternity clothes?
I’ve never bought maternity clothes. I just wear a lot of stretchy clothes and then mix it up with chic pieces from H&M. I try to minimize jewelry and stuff because I don’t want to draw more attention than necessary.
Do you like being pregnant?
I do. Except for the last two weeks, I’ve felt very sexy. My fiancé loves me pregnant—my boobs get bigger. And for some reason people look at you with so much respect and admiration. They’re really kind to you, so you have a bit of a glow. You feel special, and you are special.
Tell me about this outfit.
It’s a vintage coat and a top from No. 6 on Centre Market Place. But I’m so embarrassed that I’m wearing flats, this is a first. I wear heels every day, and this is bad. I broke a heel, that’s why. I swear.
Even pregnant you wear heels?
Always. Louboutins. I’ve worn heels forever, and my feet are just more comfortable in them. I’m not bragging, but when I wear flats, my back hurts because I’ve relearned how to walk—I walk on the front pad of my foot instead of on my heel.