Do you like being a redhead?
In England, redheads are hated. You’re called “ginger nuts,” and you’re a hated breed. I just saw this film called Hot Fuzz, and at the end, there’s a ginger-nut kid and they threaten to shoot him. But Americans love red hair!
Is that why you moved here?
No! I moved for love. My husband is a New Yorker, and he didn’t want to live in London. But, I mean, when I was a kid, my dad cut my hair and I had a big, Afro, microphone head. And it was red. I could never get a boyfriend. But when I moved here, everyone started saying, “Hey, I love your hair.”
How do you take care of it?
Dye it! We redheads don’t go gray, we go darker brown. So I go to Laurie at OC 61 and go a brighter shade.
How did you get into doing makeup?
I went to art school, and makeup is just painting on people’s faces. I find that I prefer doing people who aren’t used to having their makeup done, as opposed to models who already know they’re gorgeous.
How do you describe your style?
I don’t. I just put on things that I like. I wouldn’t want to be trendy, but not being trendy seems to be trendy at the moment.