Andrew Mitchell, derivatives trader, with Hannah
Does Hannah have an opinion when it comes to getting dressed?
Yes, but it changes like the weather. She’s at the 2-year-old phase where it’s all about control. Right now, she’s really into dresses.

Mary Ann Schwanewede, full-time mom, with Billy and Luke
Do you dress up for drop-off?
Oh, God, no! It’s like, roll out of bed and get the kids to school. Some people look really good, and I don’t know how they do it—it can be a little intimidating.
Does your son have strong opinions about his outfits?
He’s just started having these really strong opinions, like he spent this past weekend in snow boots. I didn’t have the energy to fight it, so I said, “Okay. Go ahead.”

Lisa Slotkin with Asher

Stacey Spencer, videographer, with Bella and Jesse Fisher
Do your kids like school?
They love it. Mostly they love being around other kids. That’s their biggest thrill. I actually made a video about their class, so I got to see them quite a lot.
What did you learn?
It sounds trite, but just that kids are magic. They’re very real, and they are very excited about life.

Peter Booth with Serena

Jill Mintz, full-time mom, with Johanna
Do you think the kids notice one another’s outfits?
Only if they’re wearing the exact same thing, which I don’t think happens much.
How about the parents?
It all depends on what you’re doing that day. If someone’s working, they’re dressed up.

Roberto Martocci, manager of a dental office, with Sophia, Jacob, and CJ Sachs
That’s a lot of Barbie gear.
My oldest daughter is very into princesses and Barbies. But we have them trained: They know what matches. We say, “Okay, here are your choices,” and they get to make a choice, but it has to be a correct choice. In our family, we match.
What’s the vibe like here in the mornings?
It’s very diverse in terms of parents. There are kids with every type of family. We’re two dads and three kids, and this is a warm and caring place where the kids get to be themselves.

John LoBello, full-time dad, with John
Did John break his arm?
He fell! He was jumping off a gate, and his elbow broke. He had pins put in it and everything. It was a traumatic experience—for both of us!