How did you put together your costume?
It came out of the closet, man. I’ve been the Dude all along. They basically made a movie about me.
What do you do in real life?
I save lives. It all comes back to the quote, “Her life is in your hands, Dude.” We have used that line in the CAT-scan room.
—Bob Provencher (left)
CAT-scan Technician
Pete Larkin (right)
IT Tech

Paul Schwab (left)
You were already drunk when you got here, weren’t you?
Oh, yeah. We had White Russians on the train from Connecticut.
Was there much prep time involved in the costume?
Two days ago, I took a few close-ups from the movie to the barber and said, “Make it happen.”
—Marty Szpak (right)
Sewer-and-Drain Specialist

Why did you dress up as Jesus?
Two reasons. No. 1, he’s the character I most resemble physically, and No. 2, he’s the funniest. I like Walter, but I don’t think a skinny six-foot, 160-pound guy can pull off a John Goodman character.
—Dave Anfora (right)
Highlight of the night?
On the subway here, my sister and I were sitting next to each other—she as the Dude and I as Jesus—and this guy shouts, “Dude!” And then I turn around and he goes, “Nice Jesus!” That’s validation right there.
—Andrea Perkins (left)
College Professor

Christine Baldizzi (left)
Sales Rep
Congrats on winning Best Maude. How’d you do it?
The Maudes in front of me didn’t say anything; they just went up and posed. I leaned into the microphone and said, “Vagina.” That’s what sealed it for me.
—Patty Lin (right)
Television Writer

Why the nihilists?
We wanted to be something kind of obscure.
So you’re not actually nihilists?
No, I have beliefs. Nihilists believe in nothing, I think.
—Brian Reilly (top left)
Dan Scheie (middle left)
Brian McCarthy (bottom left)
Graphic Designer
What’s your fascination with the film?
Hard to say. I have a job, and I don’t even really like bowling.
Well, you look comfy.
It’s actually just a red hoodie with some red spandex pants and red socks on over my shoes. Not very comfortable at all.
—Taylor Baxter (right)
Educational-Publishing Project Manager

Lauren Hoelzer (left)
When did you start loving the movie?
I’d seen it when it first came out, but it didn’t make much sense. After I met my husband, who is dressed as the man in the iron lung, it revealed itself.
—Melissa Grigg (right)
Nonprofit Worker