So you’re a Park Slope parent. Feel like a cliché?
Well, we used to get so annoyed by all the strollers, but now we understand. It’s a pretty wonderful place to be with a child. And there’s a big Japanese community in the area.
When did you come to America?
I came here right after high school; I didn’t see the point in taking the crazy, expensive Japanese college-entrance exams. I liked the American idea of getting into college first and then deciding on a major. I took a plane by myself, and I didn’t know anyone or speak any English. I went to college in Texas and met my husband there. We moved here eight years ago.
What did you do before the baby?
I was tanning leather for a custom shoe company, but I quit that place once Issa was born. I would like to go back to work when he turns 1, but my husband wants me to be strictly a mother for three years. He doesn’t believe in nannies and stuff.
Convenient for him.
I know! But I’m enjoying being a mother; the baby’s cute. It’s like a whole new thing.
Interview by Emma Rosenblum