Ellen Nathan Singer, Artist
Have you ever waited in a line this long for a gallery show?
I’ve never waited in line for a gallery at all!
Is it worth it?Oh, for heaven’s sake, twenty minutes? For Picasso, not a big deal.
Alicia Rodriguez-Leal, Lawyer
You’re here with a very international crowd. How do you know so many people from so many countries?
My husband is Italian, but he lives part time in Mexico for his job. I met my other friends through my Italian friend from Brussels who also lives in Mexico.

Olivia Marjoram, Fashion Assistant
You just moved here from Ireland four months ago? What are you going to do?
I’m starting an organic children’s-birthday-party business. You spend the day in the park with the kids. I bring watercolor paints and food from the farmers’ market in Union Square.
Neige Rousset, Textile Designer
Do you wear your own designs?
I would, but it’s hard to look for them in shops. They come out a year after you design them. I get most of my clothes at H&M or Zara. I can’t really afford much.
Sohee Na, Student from Korea
You came a long way to see this.
It was a good chance for me, because this exhibition was not in my plan. I also went to MoMA, but this had only Picasso, so I was very satisfied. And it was free!

Larch Fidler, English Teacher
How many bow ties do you own?
Oh, my goodness, I would say probably at least 50.
Eva Rubinstein, Photographer
Have you always been interested in art?
I come from a family of artists. My father was Arthur Rubinstein, the pianist; my younger brother is an actor, John Rubinstein. I was on Broadway— I played Margot in The Diary of Anne Frank. In 1967, I started taking pictures just before I got divorced.
Did that have anything to do with your divorce?
No, not at all.
Georgia Zinn, High-School Student from Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Did your family drag you to this exhibit?
My dad wanted to go. He was reading about Picasso. I’ve been a painter since I was really, really young. I finger-painted when I was, like, 3.
Jean-François Fraysse, Restaurant Owner
Do you have strong feelings about Picasso?
I think at one time Picasso said, “It took me a few years to be a painter, and it takes me my whole life to paint like a child,” and I think he realized that in the end.