That’s a cool name.
It’s almost a daily occurrence that someone calls me Rip.
Is that funny?
It always seems like it’s a zing on their end, but rarely on mine.
You look like an athlete.
Thank you for noticing. I race bicycles in Prospect Park and Central Park and at an abandoned airfield in South Brooklyn called Floyd Bennett.
Ever had an accident?
Just one. A cab door opened, and I flew into it. I dinged myself up a bit.
What else do you do for fun?
I’ll be 32 next year—and the older I get, the more I stay in.
Were you always a homebody?
I used to go out a lot, just like any amateur alcoholic. If I picked up boozing now, I’m sure it’d be fascinating. But it becomes boring after a while, doesn’t it?
Interview by Tory Hoen.