What kind of ice cream do you make?
Goat-milk ice cream. I’m the proprietor of KingLeche Cremes. Right now it’s a one-man operation.
Where’d the name come from?
I have a dog named King and a cat named Leche.
Do they eat your ice cream?
King does, but Leche doesn’t care too much for ice cream. She actually doesn’t care much for catnip either.
Weird. Do you own goats, too?
No, but I get all of my ingredients from local purveyors.
Have you ever met a goat?
At the Central Park Zoo.
Would you like to have your own one day?
Yeah, someday it would be pretty cool to have a small flock.
So is owning your own farm your big dream?
My dream is to one day have a house in Brazil near the beach. I enjoy making ice cream, but I enjoy sitting on the beach more.
Interview by Rachel Baker.