You look familiar …
I was on Life in the Fab Lane, that Kimora Lee Simmons reality show.
How’d that happen?
I interned at Baby Phat when I was 15, then got hired full-time as a designer.
What were you like at 15?
I was wearing skinny jeans and had a hi-top fade before it was trendy. Kids on the subway called me names, but I went to an arts high school, so my classmates thought I was interesting and edgy.
Where do you live now?
I was born in the Bronx—off the 6 train like J.Lo—and I sleep in the Bronx, but I live in Manhattan. Every morning, I sashay to the train station, a little Rihanna on my iPod, and I’m just giving a look.
Interview by Alexis Swerdloff