That’s quite a coat you’ve got on.
It’s Stella McCartney. I get freezing—more freezing than most people—and I only wear cruelty-free clothing. Like, I won’t wear down or shearling. I actually have a line of vegan shoes. I don’t know why people feel the need to wear something dead to feel alive.
You’re known around town for donning a headband. When did you start wearing them?
I was about 12 or 13. Really, I just like how they feel on my head; they feel good on my brain. But men tell me I look better without them. One guy was like, “I like your hair flipped to the side.”And my dad is always like, “Put your hair back.”
Where are you from?
The Upper East Side. I’ve really only lived in New York—except for nine months in London, after high school and before college. I think I found my style there—Londoners are much more forward-thinking with their hairdos. Half of my head was dyed pink, purple, and blue. I’m going to L.A. tomorrow, and can you believe it’s actually only my fourth time there. I miss New York so much when I leave. Every time I come back, I kiss the ground I’m so happy.
Interview by Alexis Swerdloff