What do you study?
Fashion. I’m in my second year at Parsons. I’ve known I’ve wanted to go there since I was about 14.
How’d you know?
I found out who Marc Jacobs was from seeing those Juergen Teller ads in Teen Vogue and learned everything about him. He went to Parsons, and I realized that must be the place to go. I’m from Jacksonville and never even got my driver’s license, because I knew I was going to move here at some point and I’d just take the subway everywhere.
What was Jacksonville like?
Pretty bad. It’s a really weird, confused city. But my parents were always very supportive and have had a huge influence on me. They’re big collectors. I grew up with a Looney Tunes kitchen—filled with Tweety cups, Pepé le Pew salt and pepper shakers—and our laundry room was entirely covered in Kiss memorabilia. They encouraged me to collect too. At one point, I had about 50 Care Bears.
Interview by Alexis Swerdloff