Circuit One: Upper West Side
Columbus Avenue’s stand-alone stores supply the gift-list staples—plaid shirts, colorful boots, adorable dinos—while the GreenFlea Market covers the rest.
1. Start at the GreenFlea

Sunglasses, three for $10, various vendors at GreenFlea Market, Columbus Ave. at 77th St.; Saturdays through December 19 and Sundays year-round (10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.).

Handmade stationery, $2

Coasters, $20 for four, by On the Fringe.

Vintage Victorian lady’s writing chair (circa late 1800s), $775, by the Divine Chair Company.

Knitting needles, $20, by the Needles of Lee Apt.

2. Lace cami, $54, and briefs, $35, at Only Hearts (386 Columbus Ave., nr. 79th St.; 212-724-5608).

3. Bee Posh fleece boots, $50, at Berkley Girl (410 Columbus Ave., nr. 80th St.; 212-877-4770).

4. Kid’s down jacket, $79, at Bit’z Kids (410 Columbus Ave., nr. 80th St.; 212-724-1415).

5. Urban Expressions fold-over tote, $118, at Mint (448 Columbus Ave., nr. 82nd St.; 212-362-6250).

6. Wholesome Gourmet dog biscuits, $10, at Canine Country Club (452A Columbus Ave., nr. 82nd St.; 212-787-7387).

7. Dinosaur toys, $9 each, at Thérapie (309 Columbus Ave., nr. 75th St.; 212-877-3307).

8. Plaid varsity shirt, $145, at AG Adriano Goldschmied (305 Columbus Ave., nr. 74th St.; 212-496-5692).

Circuit Two: Park Slope
Supplement your sprint along Brooklyn’s best shopping drag with a spin through the undervisited flea market at the Old American Can Factory in nearby Gowanus.
1. Start at the Old American Can Factory

Belt buckle, $105 ($155 with leather belt), by Devils May Care at the Market at the Old American Can Factory, 232 Third St., at Third Ave., Gowanus; every Sunday (11 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

Poetry books, $5 to $17, by Ugly Duckling Presse.

Hammered metal earrings, $40, by Shaya NYC.

Handmade soaps, $7 each, by Meow Meow Tweet.

Hand-sewn leather bag, $389, by Mos Atelier.

Magritte Nicked My Bike plate, $42, by Take Me Homeware by May Luk.

2. Motoring cap, $210, at Tracy Watts (119 8th St., nr. Second Ave., Studio 201; 718-499-7090).

3. Aardvark Brothers novelty cans, $11 each, at Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. (372 Fifth Ave., nr. 5th St.; 718-499-9884).

4. Nike Killshot sneakers, $90, at Premium Goods (347 Fifth Ave., nr. 4th St.; 718-369-7477).

5. Candlesticks, $30 to $32, at Brooklyn Mercantile (335 Fifth Ave., nr. 4th St.; 718-788-1233).

6. Sonia-Sonia Rykiel gloves, $95, at Bird (316 Fifth Ave., nr. 3rd St.; 718-768-4940).

7. Hanno Jr. wood gorilla by David Weeks for Areaware, $55, at Matter (227 Fifth Ave., nr. President St.; 718-230-1150).

8. Pretty Things Jack D’or beer, $10.95, at Bierkraft (191 Fifth Ave., nr. Berkeley Pl.; 718-230-7600).

Circuit Three: Nolita
Fewer chains than Soho but just as much stuff per block—this year, augmented by Gifted, a temporary satellite of the Brooklyn Flea.
1. Start at Brooklyn Flea’s Gifted Market

WrecordsByMonkey pendants, $62, at Gifted, 20 E. 4th St., at Lafayette St.; 11/27–12/24 (Wed. noon to 9 p.m.; Thurs., Sun. noon to 7 p.m.; Fri., Sat. noon to 8 p.m.).

Tribal Alphabet book, by Claudia Pearson, $18.

Five-foot street sign, $310, by Underground Signs.

Felt-and-leather tote, $180, by Flux Productions.

Whale-appliqué onesie, $24, and football onesie, $22, by Charlie and Sarah.

Pickled beets, $8, by Rick’s Picks.

2. Coenobium Rusticum white wine, at Astor Wines & Spirits, $29.99 (399 Lafayette St., nr. 4th St.; 212-674-7500).

3. H-Bag, $74, at Brooklyn Industries (290 Lafayette St., at Jersey St.; 212-219-0862).

4. Leopard Cruiser skateboard deck, $54, at Supreme (274 Lafayette St., nr. Prince St.; 212-966-7799).

5. A.J. Morgan cat’s-eye glasses UV 400, $15, at Lilliput SoHo Kids (240 Lafayette St., nr. Spring St.; 212-965-9201).

6. 3.1 Phillip Lim men’s high-tops, $325, at Odin (199 Lafayette St., nr. Broome St.; 212-966-0026).

7. Sachin and Babi “Jada” top, $395, at Calypso St. Barth (191 Lafayette St., at Broome St.; 212-941-6512).

8. Patrick Demarchelier, Asylum, and Bande á part books, $24.95 to $99, at Clic Bookstore (189 Lafayette St., nr. Broome St.; 212-966-1161).
Plus: Find More Last-Minute Gift Ideas on Shop-A-Matic
Additional reporting by Justine Ingersoll