The New York Nut
A cost-of-living calculator for all types of living.
Mind the Income Gap
Nowhere in America are people richer, poorer, or closer together than in Manhattan—so if anyone’s going to save the American Dream, it might as well be us.
What’s a Little Money Between Friends?
In which our writer accidentally spreads cracks of class envy through the friendships of people he barely knows.
The Spending Diaries
Six New Yorkers of various means keep track of every single penny they spend over the course of a week.
A Hard-Earned Life
Scrimping, saving, regretting, and (occasionally) hoping with a security guard trying to stretch a $676 paycheck across two weeks and among two debt-ridden credit cards and two kids.
Rocky’s Family Horror Show
In 1979, the children that Rocky Aoki had by his wife ran into the child he had by his mistress. These days, they’re friends—or at least allies—as they fight Rocky and his latest wife over the right to the Benihana fortune.
Billionaires Are Free
Girls, Picassos, tabloid sleazebags, criminal investigations: Sometimes being a billionaire can just be so complicated.
100-Person Poll
White-collar types, uniformed mall employees, and teachers grilled on their fiscal health.