Calling All Artists!
Seeking buyers? Submit your work to [email protected], along with contact information. We’ll host an online slideshow.

Maureen Cavanaugh, painter
Former gallery: 31Grand
Recent show: “Bailout Inertia,” a group show at Automat, Los Angeles
Contact info: maureencavanaugh.com
Price range: $700 to $5,250
Profile, courtesy of the artist.

Jeph Gurecka, mixed-media artist
Former gallery: 31Grand
Upcoming project: Creating a permanent public sculpture in Rotterdam, Holland
Contact information: jephgurecka.com
Price range: $4,000 to $8,000
We Will Never, courtesy of the artist.

Aqsa Shakil, painter and photographer
Former gallery: Oliver Kamm/5BE
Upcoming show: Fort Worth Community Arst Center, November
Contact information: aqsashakil.com
Price: $1,850 for smaller works
Murree, 2008, courtesy of the artist.

Pinar Yolaçan, photographer
Former gallery: Rivington Arms
Current show: Tracking Traces, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki, Finland, through December 2009
Contact info: pinaryolacan.net
Price: Prices begin at $5,000
Untitled From the Maria Series, 2007, courtesy of the artist.

Mariah Robertson, photographer
Former gallery: Guild & Greyshkul
Upcoming show: Two-person show at Museum 52, opens May 28
Contact info: [email protected]
Price range: $800 to $2,500
Kitchenlight, 2005, courtesy of the artist.