Photographs by Tria Giovan
Interior designer Howard Slatkin’s guest bedroom may just be the most romantic room in the city. “It started with the Chinese wallpaper, which inspired the idea of a guest sleeping in a magical enchanted garden,” he says. When he discovered that he didn’t have enough wallpaper panels for the room, his artist friend Sasha Solodoukho painted the extra panels on paper that she made herself.

From top: The silk-gauze canopy consists of hand-painted scarves from textile master Brigitte Singh’s shop in Paris. The pièce de résistance is the early-nineteenth-century French Empire bed, which comes apart and is on wheels. “I wonder if it was used for traveling in the days before luxury hotels,” says Slatkin. The silk sheets were made to order in Rome, and the mink eau de nil throw (at the foot of the bed) is handmade from J. Mendel. “I’m on a quest to surround myself with beautiful things that give me pleasure,” says Slatkin. Photo: Tria Giovan

The potted orange tree was made by artist Carmen Almon out of tole. She used a soldering gun and cuticle scissors to shape and cut sheets of metal. The vermeil tea set is French from the nineteenth century; the silver-gilt dressing table is English from the nineteenth century. Photo: Tria Giovan