To align the Ove tub by Wetstyle in the middle of the room, Neuhaus had the floor opened up to install the plumbing. Warren takes a bath every day.
All the floors in the 10,000-square-foot-house were done with an Osmo finish. “Before they looked very institutional,” Warren says. “Now they’re more raw and down to earth.”
The de Gournay wallpaper gives the room a garden feel. De Gournay bumped up the print’s scale to make it more graphic.
The mid-century chandelier is by Baccarat and was unearthed at a thrift store in Michigan.
The home was a nuns’ residence for St. Angela Hall Academy. This room, with its newly installed stained-glass windows, was the chapel. “When the light hits the faucet, it makes a huge cross on the floor,” says Warren. “It’s both weird and awesome.”
The fireplace is original and completely functional, though the Warrens have yet to use it. “I love its carvings of flowers, vines, and leaves,” she says. “It has an unintentional relationship with the wallpaper.”
Warren’s husband has his morning coffee in the 1958 molded-plywood armchair designed by Norman Cherner.