Lily Hui, Real-Estate Broker, 27
(Pictured with, from left, MCA, Mike D, Ad-Rock)
How many of their songs can you recite by heart?
None. I have a bad memory. But I can recite many lines.
What’s your favorite verse, then?
“So this is what I’ve got to say to you all, be true to yourself and you will never fall” (from “Pass the Mic”).
Least favorite song?
If I had to answer, “Fight for Your Right.”
If you had to be marooned on an island with one of the Beasties, who would it be?

Matt Churchill, Production Assistant, 26
What would you give to hang out with the band backstage?
I might have to go with my left nut on that one! Can I say that on TV?
Favorite song?
“Groove Holmes.”
Least favorite?
“Bobo on the Corner” on Ill Communication.
Ever had a dream about a Beastie?
No, can’t say that I have.
If you had to be marooned on an island with one of them … ?
Adam Horovitz (Ad-Rock).

Fred Zilliox, Cook, 35
What’s the closest you’ve ever gotten to the stage at a Beasties show?
This may sound like bullshit, but I’ve been against the barricade or one person behind it every time. It helps with kinda being a big dude.
Favorite song?
“Slow and Low.”
What other hip-hop are you into?
Run-DMC, old-school shit; 50 Cent really gets on my fucking nerves.
If you had to be marooned on an island with one of them … ?
Ad-Rock, no disrespect to MCA or Mike D.

Lynda Bonagura, Insurance Processor, 28
What’s the closest you’ve gotten to the stage?
Right up front at the Nassau Coliseum, ’95. It was my first time in a pit, and I got squashed against the railing and had trouble breathing, so I missed the encore (“Sabotage”).
Favorite verse?
“One lonely Beastie I be, all by myself without nobody” (from “Paul Revere”).
If you had to be marooned on an island with one of them … ?
On a desert island or on a dessert—either way, Horovitz.