1. TROPIC THUNDER (DreamWorks)
Look Out For: Ben Stiller flicking his tongue over the neck stump of a decapitated corpse head. Elsewhere: Stiller getting knifed by a cherubic Asian toddler and tossing the baby off a bridge.
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Look Out For: Seth Rogen extolling the virtues of a particular strain of marijuana he’s smoking. While driving. Elsewhere: James Franco likening another strain of marijuana to “God’s vagina.”
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Look Out For: “This house is a prison.” “On the planet bullshit.” “In the galaxy of This Sucks Camel Dicks!” Elsewhere: Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly F-bombing a job interviewer.
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4. HAMLET 2 (Focus Features)
Look Out For: Amy Poehler urging the “so-called Supreme Court” to “suck my balls.” Elsewhere: Elizabeth Shue (playing herself) confessing to having given a handjob to land a role.
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