Side Effects (2013)
Steven Soderbergh’s Hitchcockian indictment of the pharmaceutical industry in which the depressed wife (Rooney Mara) of a convicted insider trader (Channing Tatum) is prescribed a new anxiety medication by her therapist (Jude Law), with unexpected consequences. Released as Soderbergh prepares to quit filmmaking.

Side Effects (2005)
Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau’s romantic-comedic indictment of the pharmaceutical industry in which a drug-company rep (Katherine Heigl) discovers that a new antidepressant causes liver damage, but not before she unexpectedly finds love with a fellow employee. Released before Heigl threatened to quit Grey’s Anatomy.

Side Effects (1980)
Woody Allen’s third prose collection, which includes his famous short story “The Kugelmass Episode,” in which unhappily married City College professor Sidney Kugelmass pays a magician to set him up with Madame Bovary, with unexpected consequences. Released amid Allen’s threats to turn into Ingmar Bergman.

Possible Side Effects (2006)
Augusten Burroughs’s fourth book of personal history, in which the memoirist, having exhausted his supply of anecdotes from his tortured childhood and battle with alcoholism, recounts bad dates, doctor’s appointments, and an addiction to nicotine gum. Released amid Burroughs’s threats to write more memoirs.
See Also:
In Conversation: Steven Soderbergh