New york literary agents are abuzz about how Geoffrey Knoop wants to pen a tell-all. Together with his wife, San Francisco writer Laura Albert, he was credited as being behind the alleged JT LeRoy literary hoax. One agent, who declined to be named, says that after New York published a story on October 17, 2005, describing LeRoy as a sham, she got a call asking if she’d be willing to represent Knoop. The agent says Knoop was looking to write his side of the LeRoy saga. She says she turned down the offer. (“My thinking was, I just don’t have the stomach for this.”) LeRoy’s estranged literary agent, Ira Silverberg, says he has not seen any proposal for a book but didn’t sound surprised: He calls Albert and Knoop “grifters.” Knoop and Albert could not be reached for comment; Peter Cane, the attorney of record for the LeRoy operation, says he is unaware of any attempt by Knoop or Albert to sell a memoir. He also says that LeRoy wouldn’t comment on rumors about Knoop and Albert’s “marital status.” Next: Spending Campaign Dollars at Bergdorf’s