Rhonda Razafsky, 54
Overland Park, Kansas, Insurance
I’ve watched the Today show for years. Like Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric shouldn’t retire.
Would you watch her on the CBS Evening News?
Probably not. She has her goofy side. I’m not sure I could see her serious side as a news anchor.

Lisa Curtiss, 41
Phenix City, Alabama, Legal Assistant
I’d hate to see her go. I don’t know who would be a good replacement.
Any outside candidates who you think could replace her?
Deborah Roberts would be good—she’s African-American. From one of those cable shows.

Steven Backman, 39
San Francisco, California, Toothpick Artist
If the price is right, Katie should leave. Otherwise, she should stay.
Do you watch the evening news?
Yes, with Bob Schieffer.
Would you watch Katie?
Yes. She’s prettier than Bob Schieffer. She’s got a lot of spunk.

Stephanie Barr, 19
Oklahoma, Student
No, Katie shouldn’t leave. I love her, and I want her to stay at the Today show.
Why do you think she’d want to leave?
Better money, more prestige.
Would you watch her on the evening news?
I don’t know. Possibly, if there was a special.

Mark Glover, 48
Phenix City, Alabama, Finance
Katie’s a babe, I’d watch her wherever she goes. Plus she’s an awesome reporter.
Would you watch her on the evening news?
Of course. If she’s prettier [than the competition], I’d probably watch.
Who would you like to replace her?
I’d go with Meredith Vieira. I’ve always liked her from The View.

Carolyn Lee, 53
Buffalo, New York, Caseworker
She should leave so she can stop neglecting her children. Ha-ha.
would you like to replace her?
Ann Curry, I love her. Seriously, she’s looking good lately. What’s up with her—she got a new man?
Who do you think Matt Lauer Would want to work with?
We don’t care. Next: The Incongruous Murdoch-Clinton Romance Continues