Jared Kushner, the new owner of the New York Observer, is already taking advantage of his sudden-onset boldfacedness. The 25-year-old NYU law and business grad student pressed the flesh and posed for photos at two consecutive film premieres last week. On Monday, he and his girlfriend, Laura Englander, rubbed shoulders with Julianne Moore and David Duchovny at Trust the Man. His appearance at a screening of the Matt Dillon–Lili Taylor flick Factotum on Tuesday necessitated a new press tip sheet from IFC Films, which bolded his name alongside stars like Ally Sheedy and Gina Gershon (IFC and the Observer have a longstanding promotional relationship co-hosting premieres). His dimples worked overtime, bewitching young female reporters, as he gently deflected their questions. So does the son of billionaire developer turned jailbird Charles Kushner have any vices? “I still haven’t figured out a way to answer these questions without really answering them,” he said after a long pause. “Because if I say no, you’ll be like, ‘Well, everyone has vices.’ But don’t quote me as saying everyone has vices!” Next: James Frey Is Back
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