Remember that Allan Jennings–Gifford Miller sexual-harassment-censure saga that rocked the City Council a few elections ago? Well, it’s payout time. The city is planning to avoid a trial and cut $150,000 checks to two of Jennings’s former female staffers, Sandra Pope, 62, and Norma Boucher, 64. They claimed Jennings asked them to tidy his house and clean his dishes, among other things. “My life is ruined,” says Jennings, who was forced to represent himself after he squandered his savings on legal bills and his lawyer died. “You think with your dick all the time. Dick, dick, dick. Sex, sex, sex,” Boucher told Jennings as he deposed her, claiming he once remarked that “for a grandmother I have beautiful boobs.” Jennings was able to question her credibility—she admitted to sneaking into the country illegally and using a fake name—and he did manage to debunk Pope’s claim that he’d dragged her around the office by her shirt collar. “It’s ridiculous,” Jennings, 39, complains. “What did I need to mess around with older women for? I was dating Miss China USA!” The city’s lawyers apparently didn’t seem to think that argument would play well in front of jurors.
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