Enhanced Performances

Major League Baseball’s Mitchell Report fingered about 70 ballplayers (including Yankees Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte and recent Met Paul Lo Duca) as users, further bulging the list of juiced-up jocks. Here’s a look back at their forebears in the illustrious history of drug-enhanced athletic achievement.

Photo: Phil Cole/Getty Images

Sprinter, USA
Triumph: Won five medals (three gold) at 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Allegation: Steroids.
Revelation: Admitted lying about drug use, October 2007.
Penalty: Stripped of medals, December 2007.

Photo: Friedemann Vogel/Getty Images

Cyclist, Kazakhstan
Triumph: Won two stages of Tour de France, 2007.
Allegation: Blood doping.
Revelation: Failed test after a time trial.
Penalty: Suspended from team, quit tour.

Photo: Josh Umphrey/Getty Images

Linebacker, San Diego Chargers
Triumph: NFL defensive rookie of the year, 2005.
Allegation: Steroids.
Revelation: Failed random drug test, October 2006.
Penalty: Suspended for four games but allowed to play in 2006 Pro Bowl.

Photo: Bryn Lennon/Getty Images

Cyclist, USA
Triumph: Won tour de France, 2006
Allegation: Steroids.
Revelation: Failed drug test after win.
Penalty: Stripped of title, on appeal.

Photo: Donald Miralle/Getty Images

Baseball player, San Francisco Giants
Triumph: Broke Hank Aaron’s home-run record, 2007.
Allegation: Steroids.
Revelation: S.F. Chronicle reported his grand-jury testimony in balco steroids case, 2004.
Penalty: None yet. But Marc Ecko bought his 756th-home-run ball and stamped an asterisk on it.

Photo: Mark Sanden/Getty Images

Snowboarder, Canada
Triumph: Gold medal in men’s giant slalom at 1998 Nagano Olympics.
Allegation: Marijuana.
Revelation: Failed drug test after win; he blamed secondhand smoke.
Penalty: IOC threatened to strip his medal, relented.

Photo: Will Hart/Getty Images

Pro wrestler, WWE
Triumph: Fifteen-time heavyweight world champion.
Allegation: Steroids.
Revelation: Admitted fourteen years of use at WWF honcho Vince McMahon’s drug-dealing trial, July 1994. (McMahon was acquitted.)
Penalty: None, except baldness.

Photo: Romeo Gacad/AFP/Getty Images

Sprinter, Canada
Triumph: Gold medal in 100 meters at 1988 Seoul Olympics, setting world record.
Allegation: Steroids.
Revelation: Failed drug test after win.
Penalty: Stripped of medal, record.

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Enhanced Performances